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search files by name

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Feb 17, 2011
Hi , I post this script for searching files by name and it list the results in a HTML file. My problem is when i choose * in the InputBox ,means the search must be in all drives it will not work but when i use a specific letter of drive to search like C:\ or D:\ it works for me !!! so please i want just someone here tell me why this is happning and what's wrong in this code ??
Thank You !
Dim fso, OutFile, sDrv, sFName, sReport, sFile, sTitle ,strHTML 
sTitle = "Recherche des Fichiers Par leurs Noms" 
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
OutFile = "C:\Recherche.html"
If fso.FileExists(OutFile) 
Then fso.DeleteFile(OutFile) 

Set sReport = fso.OpenTextFile(OutFile, 8, True) 
sDrv = InputBox("Entrez la lettre du lecteur à la recherche (lettre seulement)" & vbcrlf&_ 
"ou bien " & vbcrlf & "(Saisissez * pour rechercher toutes les lettres de lecteur local)", sTitle) 
If sDrv = "" Then WScript.Quit

sFName = InputBox ("Entrez le nom du fichier à rechercher (sans extension)", sTitle) 
If sFName = "" Then WScript.Quit 

strHTML="<html><body text=white><style type='text/css'>"&_ 
"a:link {color: #F19105;}"&_"a:visited {color: #F19105;}"&_ 
"a:active {color: #F19105;}"&_ 
"a:hover {color: #FF9900;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);}"&_ 

strHTML=strHTML &"<center><h2><B> <font color=Red>[COUNT] </font>Fichiers Trouvés dont le Nom est <font color=red>"""& sFName &""" </font> sur le lecteur <font color=red>"& UCase(sDrv) & ":</B></font></h2></center>"&_
"<center><body bgcolor=#1234568><table border='3' cellpadding='1' style='border-collapse: collapse; font size:11pt' bordercolor='#CCCCCC' width='100%' id='Table1'></center>" & _ 
"<td><center><strong>Chemin :</strong></center></td>"&_ 
"<td><center><strong>Date de Création :</strong></center></td>"& _ 
"<td><center><strong>Date de Modification :</strong></center></td>"&_ 
"<td><center><strong>Taille :</strong></center></td>"&_ 

If sDrv = "*" Then 
Dim Drive 
For Each Drive in fso.Drives 
If Drive.DriveType = 2 Then 
GetResults Drive, sFName 
End If 
GetResults sDrv & ":", sFName 
End If 
strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "[COUNT]", Results) sReport.WriteLine strHTML &"</table></body></html>" 
Set sReport = Nothing 

Dim f, ra, Results 
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(OutFile) 
On Error Resume Next 
ra =  f.ReadAll 
If Err Then  Results = 0 
End If 
On Error GoTo 0 
Set f = Nothing 
Set fso = Nothing If Results > 0 Then 
Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run OutFile 
MsgBox "Désolé il n'y a Aucune Instance pour le fichier " & chr(34) & sFName & chr(34) & " Sur " & Ucase(sDrv) & ":",48, sTitle
End If 

Sub GetResults(drv, fname)  
Dim sWQL, oFile, sAttrib,sFilePath,size 
sWQL = "select * from cim_datafile where Drive='" & _ 
drv & "' AND FileName = '" & fname & "'"     Results = 0 
For Each oFile In GetObject("winmgmts:").execquery(sWQL) 
Results = Results + 1 
sFile = oFile.Name 
Set f = fso.GetFile(sFile) 
Size =  Round(FormatNumber(f.Size, 0)/1024,2) & " Ko"  

sFilePath = f.Path 
If oFile.Archive Then sAttrib = "Archive " 
If oFile.Compressed Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Compressé " 
If oFile.Encrypted Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Crypté " 
If oFile.Hidden Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Caché " 
If oFile.System Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Système " 
If oFile.Readable Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Lecture " 
If oFile.Writeable Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Ecriture " 
strHTML=strHTML & "<tr><td><a target=_Blank href='" & sFilePath & "'>" & _ 
sFilePath & "</a></td><td><center>" & f.DateCreated & "</center></td>" & _ 
"<td><center>" & f.DateLastModified & "</center></td><td><center>"& Size & "</center></td>"&_ 
"<td><center>" & sAttrib & "</center></td></tr>" 
End Sub
fso.Drives returns objects. Use the VolumeName property of the object to get the drive letter.

GetResults Drive[green].VolumeName[/green], sFName


"I hope I can feel and see the change - stop the bleed inside a feel again. Cut the chain of lies you've been feeding my veins; I've got nothing to say to you!"
-Infected Mushroom

"I do not offer answers, only considerations."
- Geates's Disclaimer
Ok Thank you for your reply !
I found the solution and i want to share it with you !
Dim fso, OutFile, sDrv, sFName, sReport, sFile, sTitle ,strHTML
sTitle = "Recherche des Fichiers Par leurs Noms"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
OutFile = "Recherche.html"
If fso.FileExists(OutFile) Then fso.DeleteFile(OutFile)

Set sReport = fso.OpenTextFile(OutFile, 8, True)
sDrv = InputBox("Entrez la lettre du lecteur à la recherche (lettre seulement)" & vbcrlf&_
"ou bien " & vbcrlf & "(Saisissez * pour rechercher dans toutes les lettres de lecteur local)", sTitle)
If sDrv = "" Then WScript.Quit

sFName = InputBox ("Entrez le nom du fichier à rechercher (sans extension)", sTitle)
If sFName = "" Then WScript.Quit

strHTML="<html><body text=white><style type='text/css'>"&_
"a:link {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:visited {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:active {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:hover {color: #FF9900;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);}"&_

strHTML=strHTML &"<center><h2><B> <font color=Red>[COUNT] </font>Fichiers Trouvés dont le Nom est <font color=red>"""& sFName &""" </font> sur le lecteur <font color=red>"& UCase(sDrv) & ":</B></font></h2></center>"&_
"<center><body bgcolor=#1234568><table border='3' cellpadding='1' style='border-collapse: collapse; font size:11pt' bordercolor='#CCCCCC' width='100%' id='Table1'></center>" & _
"<td><center><strong>Chemin :</strong></center></td>"&_
"<td><center><strong>Date de Création :</strong></center></td>"& _
"<td><center><strong>Date de Modification :</strong></center></td>"&_
"<td><center><strong>Taille :</strong></center></td>"&_

If sDrv = "*" Then
Dim  d, dc, s, n ,u,racine
	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set dc = fso.Drives
	For Each d in dc
		racine = d.Driveletter & ":"
		GetResults racine , sFName	
GetResults sDrv & ":", sFName
End If
sReport.WriteLine strHTML &"</table></body></html>"
Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run OutFile

Sub GetResults(drv, fname)  
Dim sWQL, oFile, sAttrib,sFilePath,size
sWQL = "select * from cim_datafile where Drive='" & _
drv & "' AND FileName = '" & fname & "'" 
Results = 0
For Each oFile In GetObject("winmgmts:").execquery(sWQL)
Results = Results + 1
sFile = oFile.Name
Set f = fso.GetFile(sFile)
SizeKo = Round(FormatNumber(f.Size)/(1024),1) & " Ko" 'Taille en Ko avec 1 chiffre après la Virgule
SizeMo = Round(FormatNumber(f.Size)/(1048576),1) & " Mo"'Taille en Mo avec 1 chiffre après la Virgule
SizeGo = Round(FormatNumber(f.Size)/(1073741824),1) & " Go" 'Taille en Go avec 1 chiffre après la Virgule
If f.size < 1024 Then 
Size = f.size & " Octets"
elseif f.size < 1048576 Then 
Size = SizeKo
elseif f.size < 1073741824 Then 
Size = SizeMo
Size = SizeGo
end if
sFilePath = f.Path
If oFile.Archive Then sAttrib = "Archive "
If oFile.Compressed Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Compressé "
If oFile.Encrypted Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Crypté "
If oFile.Hidden Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Caché "
If oFile.System Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Système "
If oFile.Readable Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Lecture "
If oFile.Writeable Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Ecriture "
strHTML=strHTML & "<tr><td><a target=_Blank href='" & sFilePath & "'>" & _
sFilePath & "</a></td><td><center>" & f.DateCreated & "</center></td>" & _
"<td><center>" & f.DateLastModified & "</center></td><td><center>"& Size & "</center></td>"&_
"<td><center>" & sAttrib & "</center></td></tr>"
strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "[COUNT]", Results)
End Sub
Oops! Yes, DriveLetter, not VolumnName. At least my intentions were good. :)


"I hope I can feel and see the change - stop the bleed inside a feel again. Cut the chain of lies you've been feeding my veins; I've got nothing to say to you!"
-Infected Mushroom

"I do not offer answers, only considerations."
- Geates's Disclaimer
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Part and Inventory Search

