Hi all,
I have a problem to solve and maybe if i ask you guys can help me out!
I have an intranet going on and one of the main areas is the Document Manager. This application mainly asks the users (internal development team) to upload a file version and insert certain information (such as name, version, free text etc) to go with it. The File is uploaded within a particular directory.
Various type of files are uploaded mainly, .doc, .xls, .pdf and .txt.
I was also asked to create to set of search functions. One is a simple search where the user just enters a keyword/s and the function will go through the Free Text section and searches the keywords..That was simple enough since i only have to search the database.
The second one is where the problem lies. I was asked to make a search where users will write a keyword or a set of keywords and the function will first go through the Directory and make a search WITHIN the files.
For this i used the linux grep bash function. The problem was that it only returned files having .doc or .txt!
HOW or what can i use to search all the files especially the pdf files and return the filenames into a simple file?
Tahnks for your help
I have a problem to solve and maybe if i ask you guys can help me out!
I have an intranet going on and one of the main areas is the Document Manager. This application mainly asks the users (internal development team) to upload a file version and insert certain information (such as name, version, free text etc) to go with it. The File is uploaded within a particular directory.
Various type of files are uploaded mainly, .doc, .xls, .pdf and .txt.
I was also asked to create to set of search functions. One is a simple search where the user just enters a keyword/s and the function will go through the Free Text section and searches the keywords..That was simple enough since i only have to search the database.
The second one is where the problem lies. I was asked to make a search where users will write a keyword or a set of keywords and the function will first go through the Directory and make a search WITHIN the files.
For this i used the linux grep bash function. The problem was that it only returned files having .doc or .txt!
HOW or what can i use to search all the files especially the pdf files and return the filenames into a simple file?
Tahnks for your help