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Seagate info 7.5

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Technical User
Oct 1, 2003
I have created at last my new reporting server that reports for all of my aspects, but the reports are virtually unusable, I have read the article further back regarding optimising, but this seems a dramatic way to acheive something that aspect have not addressed properly, I have a call into support for this because it is unacceptable as a solution. I am running (or going to be) 300-400 reports a night???? dont ask and i dont think they will complete in time for the reporting people in the morning. The server is a good spec box. Has anyone else got any ways to speed things up without going back to 2.01 reports which if I am correct will not giv me multiple aspects on one box??
If you get any joy on this from Aspect please let me know because I'd be very interested in their soloution.

I think I tend to agree with you that 300 - 400 reports a night is very likley to over run to the next day, if you have from between Midnight - 8AM then that's around 480 mins which means your reports have to complete in around a minute.

If they're all daily reports then I have seen these complete in under a minute but even this is an exception rather than the rule.

How many ACD's are you reporting on ? AFIK it's possible to report on different ACD's with the 2.01 reports provided you create a new .rpt file for each ACD. Obviously with 400 reports this may be far too much work to be practical.

Are there actually 400 different .rpt files here or are you simply a running a few reports with a lot of different parameters.

With the 2.02 reports the bottleneck will probably be the Access database so that's the first place you should look for improvements.

What you run one of the Aspect reports the first thing they do is create the passthrough query based on the dates selected in the report and create the dataset for those dates. Then the sub-report uses this dataset and applies it's filters on the existing data. It's possible that if you run a number of reports using the same .civ file and the same dates, for the same call centre one after another Asepct will not need to re-run the passthrough query every time. That would save some time but I'm not 100% convinced it's what happens.

Good luck !
I am reporting on 5 sites all over the uk with an average of 140,000 calls a day between them, the problem I have, as has been stated is that I run reports for different departments individually, each department get a standard 7 reports 12 departments per site, but one of the worst has 20 departments running 10 + reports each, so you see my problem, we are currently running 5 boxes (not very good boxes) and centralising the reports looked a great option...it would seem not, I will let you know the score with aspect as I have just requested a meeting with the account manager and their "technical report person" as there are other issues I am going to raise
Hi Andy,

I was just wondering how you are grouping this in the reports?? Could you not just do a specified grouping (grouping all the queues for each department) .. That way you could put them all on one report??

I think there are 2 things you could look at doing which might help the situation:

1) Customise the reports so that all the departments could get the information they required for their own department from one report which would cut down the number of reports you are producing.

2) Seagate is capable of being used in clustered configurations whereby you can have multiple back end report engines which actually run the reports which are then accessible through one Info Desktop interface.

I think Aspect only supply the Standalone Seagate installation where the report servers and viewers all live on one machine.

However if you used your 5 existing reports servers as seperate Info Servers in a cluster each one could handle the reports for a single ACD and you could run the rest of Seagate which allows access to the reports and provides the scheduling facilities on another server.

This would allow you to manage all the scheduling and report distribution from one place and since each Info Server would only be running 1/5th of the reports it should be able to cope with the number of reports you are needing to provide.

I've not had any direct experience with this setup myself but it's well supported by Seagate, if not Aspect, and I think it should be quite rellable and easy to administer once it's set up.
Dear Friend!

I understand Your problem very well ( We passed it ).

1. Try to minimize the size of CallDETAil table( in Your case it's may be up to 500K records) or to run reports from an image of CallDetail, that include up tp 200K-300K records.

2. RR save information how many time does it take to report to be done. Find, wich reports make problems for You.
In that reports check, do You use a right dictionary.

3. Should You to send a reports to local printer?
In case Yes, You may have a problem with RR, that may not support a multiple printers.

Good Luck!

p.s I cann't see a full picture of Your situations.
my e-mail alex_corelen@hotmail.com


My reports just cover 2 locations, but due to IVR/NIQ and "creative" routing there are lots of calldetail-records to examine...
In the (hopefully) near future I'll have to quit ReportRunner to provide daily reports.

Since 1997 I've been distributing daily reports. One year ago I redesigned the reports together with the departement "Forecasting+Reporting" (have to install a A2-printer-driver when editing reports now...). Since then the Excel-files are imported to their DBMS using MS-Access. Their Frontend is used by all supervirsors etc. During dezember 2003 I stopped distributing 8 of 9 reports via daily mail to anyone else. Until now NOBODY is missing them ;-)
Next I'm going to build a DB which will give them all necessary data to be imported by queries from their DB, but avoids the headaches which result from dealing with transaction-types, cflags, modifiers and track-sequences when you access calldetail too often...

just to give my 2cents:

- Are all these reports necessary?
- What are they used to?

- give them RR + report + dictionary and let them run their reports on their own clients

- If you have $$$ to spend, by DataMart ??

- Import calldetail + essential config-tables (DNIS, APPLIC...) to your own DBMS and run the reports against that server(s), not the ACD.

- if they use the reports just for importing data into their own systems/apps (by typing or sophisticated excel-macros), it's time to think different...

good luck,
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