I have machine with SSA Loop... Can I have SCSI hard drives
added in the same box? I added SCSI hard drives on this box but the drives are not "found" by the machine. It's a 70 GB hard drive(s) box with SCSI connector. I have connected the same SCSI to a different machine (without SSA) and it was recognized and I was able to configure them.
Any advise is appreciated....Thanks!
SSA Adapter:
ssa0 Available 10-68 IBM SSA Enhanced RAID Adapter (14104500)
ssa1 Available 20-60 IBM SSA Enhanced RAID Adapter (14104500)
SSA Disks:
hdisk2 Available 10-68-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk3 Available 10-68-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk4 Available 10-68-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk5 Available 10-68-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk6 Available 10-68-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk7 Available 20-60-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk8 Available 20-60-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
SCSI Adapter:
scsi0 Available 10-60 Wide SCSI I/O Controller
scsi1 Available 30-58 Wide SCSI I/O Controller
added in the same box? I added SCSI hard drives on this box but the drives are not "found" by the machine. It's a 70 GB hard drive(s) box with SCSI connector. I have connected the same SCSI to a different machine (without SSA) and it was recognized and I was able to configure them.
Any advise is appreciated....Thanks!
SSA Adapter:
ssa0 Available 10-68 IBM SSA Enhanced RAID Adapter (14104500)
ssa1 Available 20-60 IBM SSA Enhanced RAID Adapter (14104500)
SSA Disks:
hdisk2 Available 10-68-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk3 Available 10-68-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk4 Available 10-68-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk5 Available 10-68-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk6 Available 10-68-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk7 Available 20-60-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
hdisk8 Available 20-60-L SSA Logical Disk Drive
SCSI Adapter:
scsi0 Available 10-60 Wide SCSI I/O Controller
scsi1 Available 30-58 Wide SCSI I/O Controller