Alrighty, I am feeling like an idiot. I have a series of subforms which corolate to months (don't ask its a silly way of doing it but its what the client wants
) and the subforms happen to be quite long... so when i tab through, the form itself doesn't move. I have to manually drag the form's verticle scroll bar. Its kinda annoying for data entry. I can't figure out how to fix it!
In the subforms i have made it so u can't add records (due to primary key issues), but I don't see how that would affect it.
Sigh.... it's always the little things that make it irritating.
Thanks any and all who can help.
In the subforms i have made it so u can't add records (due to primary key issues), but I don't see how that would affect it.
Sigh.... it's always the little things that make it irritating.
Thanks any and all who can help.