I'm relatively new to Unix, and I've just written my first Unix script, which should basically write the start time of a cpio backup out to a log file, initiate the backup, and then write the finish time and the tape xstatus statistics out to the same log file.
However, it doesn't seem to work. The problem seems to be that none of the code in the script will execute after the cpio command. If I comment out the cpio command and run the script, it writes all the information out to the log file. I tried replacing the cpio command with simple commands, such as mkdir, just to test if the problem was specific to cpio, but the problem seems to occur regardless of what commands I use.
As I said, this is my first unix script, so I'm fairly sure the problem is something really small and obvious. Has anybody any idea what I might be overlooking? I'm using the Bourne shell for the script.
I'm relatively new to Unix, and I've just written my first Unix script, which should basically write the start time of a cpio backup out to a log file, initiate the backup, and then write the finish time and the tape xstatus statistics out to the same log file.
However, it doesn't seem to work. The problem seems to be that none of the code in the script will execute after the cpio command. If I comment out the cpio command and run the script, it writes all the information out to the log file. I tried replacing the cpio command with simple commands, such as mkdir, just to test if the problem was specific to cpio, but the problem seems to occur regardless of what commands I use.
As I said, this is my first unix script, so I'm fairly sure the problem is something really small and obvious. Has anybody any idea what I might be overlooking? I'm using the Bourne shell for the script.