We have several hundred backup tapes containing data. This data was stored on these tapes using a Silcon Grahpics WS and an 8mm tapedrive. The O/S on the SGWS is IRIX Release 6.5 IP22 IRIS.
I know DOS and Windows and very little UNIX and even less IRIX.
Task Details
I have been asked to do the following:
- Restore the data from the tapes to a directory on the SGWS.
- Copy the data to a Windows Server.
- Write the data to CDs and/or DVDs .
Now I know some scripting and figure with this many tapes and this amount of data that a script would be ideal to get the data off the tapes and into a directory, then another script to transfer the data to the Windows Server. I also figure that transferring the data using FTP would be the best choice. (Yes, the Windows Server is also an FTP Server.) Once the data is on the Windows Server, I am home free!
Being as I know so little about UNIX and/or IRIX how does one go about writing a script? Which commands would I use? (tar looks like one of the main ones, at least to get the data off the tapes.) Then there’s the scripting of FTP, which I have not done, but figure it should work.
Any and all help greatly appreciated.
We have several hundred backup tapes containing data. This data was stored on these tapes using a Silcon Grahpics WS and an 8mm tapedrive. The O/S on the SGWS is IRIX Release 6.5 IP22 IRIS.
I know DOS and Windows and very little UNIX and even less IRIX.
Task Details
I have been asked to do the following:
- Restore the data from the tapes to a directory on the SGWS.
- Copy the data to a Windows Server.
- Write the data to CDs and/or DVDs .
Now I know some scripting and figure with this many tapes and this amount of data that a script would be ideal to get the data off the tapes and into a directory, then another script to transfer the data to the Windows Server. I also figure that transferring the data using FTP would be the best choice. (Yes, the Windows Server is also an FTP Server.) Once the data is on the Windows Server, I am home free!
Being as I know so little about UNIX and/or IRIX how does one go about writing a script? Which commands would I use? (tar looks like one of the main ones, at least to get the data off the tapes.) Then there’s the scripting of FTP, which I have not done, but figure it should work.
Any and all help greatly appreciated.