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Script works in IE, but not in Netscape 7.1

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Technical User
Feb 8, 2002
This is the page I'm working on: - in it I am using code to make zip codes go to specific web pages when entered in the jump menu box. It works just fine in Internet Explorer and Neoplanet browswers, but when I enter a zip using Netscape 7.1 it just brings me back to the same page where you enter the zip code. Is there some type of html code I can stick in for Netscape browsers? Thanks.
The only thing this link shows is the word "test".

Can you post the code here?

There's always a better way. The fun is trying to find it!
...web pages when entered in the jump menu box

what menu box? where are you entering the Zip values? I don't see anything. Do you have the correct URL on you initial posting?

grtfercho çB^]\..
"Imagination is more important than Knowledge" A. Einstein
The page appears to lead for me (Safari browser in MacOSX) but while the large map is loading the page suddenly (mod)redirects to a page (netscape.htm).

Hmmm. I'm guessing that the problem is with the javascript on the page. Since nobody can get to the page... I'll even go out on a limb to say that it's something to do with your "submit" code!

Anyone else?

Aha! Take the space out of the page name!
Instead of draft page.htm, make it something like draft_page.htm or draftpage.htm.

There's always a better way. The fun is trying to find it!
The link didn't work for me at all I got rid of the %20 on the address and ended up on a page with a graphical header, a bunch of small graphics running vertically down the center of the page and text links on the left and right of the small graphics.

no redirect, no zip element to enter a value.

BabyJeffy: It seems an option, this page is weird.

grtfercho çB^]\..
"Imagination is more important than Knowledge" A. Einstein
grtfercho - I think ag5t has named his file incorrectly by using a space in the name, hence my post. IE stops at the space and never reads the rest of the URL and, as BabtyJeffy points out, it substitutes what it THINKS should be there in typical MS fashion.

There's always a better way. The fun is trying to find it!
Thanks everyone. I will try a different page that hopefully will provide the code that we can work with. That page is at:

However, I have already found one thing that could be causing serious problems. When I try to pull up this URL with Internet Explorer, it goes to incredifind,com and tells me the page doesn't exist. But I CAN get to this URL using the following browsers: Neoplanet (correct spacing), Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape 7.1, Vantage Browser 3.0 (correct spacing), Netscape 4.78 and Tiff Tools Web Browser (correct spacing). ----- I did notice by checking on the net that it is not suggested to include code for determining which browser is being used. Maybe I should try designing for the GECKO system and work backwards? Anyway, here is the source code for the page:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<!-- saved from url=(0038) -->
<title>Aging nutrition page</title>
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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function Redirect(){
var MyEntry = document.FormName.FormFieldName.value;//set a variable 'MyEntry' to equal to field in form
if (MyEntry == "")//if it is empty warn user
alert("You must Enter some ZIP!...");
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MyEntry == "77469")//if field/variable....OR.....OR...OR
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MyEntry == "77090" || MyEntry == "77388" || MyEntry == "77379" || MyEntry == "77375" || MyEntry == "77429" ||
MyEntry == "77355")//if field/variable....OR.....OR...OR
location = "
if (MyEntry == "87001" || MyEntry == "87005" || MyEntry == "87333" )//if field/variable....OR.....OR...OR
location = "}
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<td width=550 vAlign=top> <p class="MsoNormal"><b><span style="color:red">
<font size="5" face="Verdana">Harris County Area Agency on Aging</font></span></b></p>

<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify"><b> <font size="5" face="Verdana">Nutrition
Program</font></b><font size="5" face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font></p>
<p align="justify" class="MsoNormal" style="> <font size="4 face="Verdana"><font face="Verdana"><font size="4">Funded
by the Older Americans Act, the Nutrition Program serves eligible
older adults a nutritionally balanced meal, Monday through Friday
(except approved holidays). Meals are served through a network of
congregate and home-delivered meal sites located in service areas
throughout Harris County.&nbsp;</font></font></font></p>
<p align="justify" class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left"> <font size="4" face="Verdana">The
primary target population for the nutrition program is older adults
60+, residing in Harris County, who are in greatest social-economic
need and would benefit from a hot nutritional meal and a socialization
opportunity. Individuals requesting nutrition services are interviewed
and assessed to determine program eligibility.&nbsp;</font></p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left"> <font size="4" face="Verdana">The<b>
Congregate Nutrition Centers</b> offer a daily nutritional meal, socialization
opportunities, exercise, nutrition education, information and assistance,
and a variety of other life-enhancing programs. Many of the centers
provide physical fitness programs, health education, and special event
opportunities. &nbsp;Where applicable, the AAA provides transportation
to the nutrition site should the participant meet the eligibility

<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left"> <font size="4" face="Verdana">To
qualify for the <b>Home Delivered Meal</b> Program, a person must
be at least 60 years of age or older and/or the spouse of a 60+ participant
who resides within Harris County and has an impairment that would
prevent attendance at a congregate nutrition center. To determine
eligibility of a “meals on wheels” participant, an intake worker will
visit the home and complete an assessment. If determined eligible,
a hot nutritional meal will be delivered to the older adult for five
days a week, with the exception of holidays. Each participant is reassessed
annually. Information and assistance is also available for home delivered
meal recipients.&nbsp;</font></p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left"> <font size="4" face="Verdana">Persons
interested in participating in the nutrition program may contact the
<b>AAA</b> for details - click on the area map below to find the Service
Provider in your area or enter your zip code below the map.</font></p>
<p align="right" class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left">
<map name="Map">

<area shape="rect" coords="3,2,70,25" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="74,3,204,25" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="214,2,359,27" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="377,-1,497,27" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="512,1,655,30" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="661,0,745,24" href=" </map>
<div align="left"></div>

<table width="750">
<td width="751" height="840" valign="top"> <p><img src="nutritionmap.jpg" width="745" height="559" border="1" usemap="#Map2"></p>
<p><font color="#0000FF" size="4" face="Verdana">Click on the map - or
- enter your zip code below and click on go.</font></p>

<form name=FormName onsubmit=Redirect() action="" method=post>
<p align=left>
<input id=FormFieldName2 width="200" height="27" size=10 name=FormFieldName>
<input name=GO type=submit class="font5" id=GO value=GO>
<input type=reset value=Reset name=Reset>
<p align="left" class="MsoNormal"><a href="Harris.html"><font size="4" face="Verdana">If
you live outside Harris County, click here.</font></a><font face="Verdana">
<font size="4">For Bellaire (77401) select either<a href=" <font size="4">Area 1</font> </a>or <a href=" size="4">Area

<p align="left" class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify"><font size="4" face="Verdana">For
more information, call the Harris County Area Agency on Aging at<br>
713-794-9001.&nbsp; If you are outside Harris County and are seeking
assistance for a friend or love one, you may phone toll free to 1-800-213-8471
for assistance. &nbsp;</font></p>
<p align="left"><span style="font-family: Verdana"><a href="area_agingpage.html"><font size="4" face="Verdana">Go
back to the AAA home page</font></a></span>

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color=#ff0000 size=-1> <a
href="mailto:mayor@cityofhouston.net" style="font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none">
<font size="3">Mayor</font></a></font><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#ff0000 size=3> or </font> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#ff0000 size=-1> <a
href="mailto:webadmin@cityofhouston.net" style="font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none">
<font size="3">Webmaster</font></a><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#ff0000 size=3> or contact </font> </font> </b> <a href=" style="font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none">
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<tr> <span class="style7"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<td><b> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=-1> <a
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<tr> <span class="style7"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<td colspan=2> <div align=center> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
size=3>This page is best viewed at 800x600 resolution and best printed in
landscape format</font></div></td>

<map name="Map2">
<area shape="rect" coords="336,413,384,474" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="-13,513,250,531" href="
<area shape="rect" coords="238,338,289,392" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="114,189,174,267" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="411,431,503,472" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="498,338,575,358" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="580,178,640,252" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="387,199,443,248" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="229,107,302,161" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="417,337,469,386" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="-9,471,189,492" href="
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<area shape="rect" coords="394,143,463,188" href="YWCA.htm">
<area shape="rect" coords="171,343,232,390" href="YWCA.htm">
<area shape="rect" coords="184,61,266,89" href="Aging-nutrition-area9.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="50,132,135,173" href="Aging-nutrition-area8.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="128,297,214,341" href="Aging-nutrition-area7.html">

<area shape="rect" coords="381,98,459,136" href="Aging-nutrition-area2.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="546,90,641,144" href="Aging-nutrition-area3.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="355,291,449,333" href="Aging-nutrition-area1.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="637,285,729,337" href="Aging-nutrition-area4.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="410,401,482,429" href="Aging-nutrition-area5.html">
<area shape="poly" coords="324,385,280,434,301,450,343,400" href="Aging-nutrition-area6.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="499,359,723,373" href=" <area shape="rect" coords="500,375,732,406" href="Baytown.htm">
<area shape="poly" coords="498,408,695,410,667,438,565,437,515,427,499,418" href="
<area shape="rect" coords="521,442,686,474" href="San%20Jacinto.htm">
<area shape="rect" coords="540,475,664,526" href="</map>

Thanks again to all for your help.
However, I have already found one thing that could be causing serious problems. When I try to pull up this URL with Internet Explorer, it goes to incredifind,com and tells me the page doesn't exist

Better run some spyware removal software!

There's always a better way. The fun is trying to find it!
Anyway, here is the source code for the page

And what a truly hideous mess it is. A perfect demonstration of why we're so rude about Frontpage on this forum. All those <font> tags! All that redundant code! Go teach yourself some CSS and get a decent editor (or use Notepad)

Anyway, to the case in point, are you able to use any server-side languages? It would be easy to implement the switch-by-zip-code script in Perl, and you wouldn't be at the mercy of different browsers' implementations of Javascript. No doubt it could be done in ASP/PHP/other languages too - but that's outside my area of expertise.

-- Chris Hunt
I am definitely going to get some more training in CSS - anyone have any good web sites to recommend?
STart with the basic and fast approach, always works.

If you are getting redirect to another page and that only happens in IE that is without a doubt the works of a hijack/spyware.

Run anti-virus software to find it and get rid of it.

grtfercho çB^]\..
"Imagination is more important than Knowledge" A. Einstein
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