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Script to track internet usage

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Jan 26, 2006

I am trying to put something together to track website URLS visited by some employees. I have tried a few freeware tools but they do not do exactly what I need. I would like to keep things simple as possible.

When a webpage is accessed in IE I would like to write the logged on NT username, time and URL to a text file or SQL table. I have it all figured out with the exception of tracking the URLs.

I dont know how to go about this...I was thinking it would be nice to sniff port 80 and 443 outbound and check the destination IP Address and then do a DNS lookup on the reporting end... Just wondering if there is a better way.

I would like this to be a vbs or a single exe so I will not need to install this, just run via login script.
You could gather all the info ant any time using this handly script by Vengy.

Beyond this I would say you should get yourself a proxy server which will centrally capture every page visited by every user you route through the proxy. You can purchase a very inexpensive proxy that got excellent reviews by GearHead in Network World Magazine at
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Contact Info                                                               |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' Author: Vengy
' Email : cyber_flash@hotmail.com
' Tested: win2K/XP

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Let The Games Begin!                                                       |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' INDEX.DAT files keep a list of websites you have visited, cookies received and files opened/downloaded.
' As a result anyone can find out what you have been doing on the Internet!

' This program scans all History index files only (not cookies or temporary internet files)
' looking for any protocol :// entries. If found, they're stored in a file called c:\spy.htm.

' When the scan completes, you will have the option to remove specific IE history files!

' Aside: This program invokes a local windows program called FIND.EXE to
' parse the index.dat files. (I was too lazy to code it myself. ;)

' Have Fun! (-_-)

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Ensure that all variable names are defined!                                |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Option Explicit

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Setup constants                                                            |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Const conBarSpeed=80
Const conForcedTimeOut=3600000 ' 1 hour

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Setup Objects and misc variables                                           |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Dim oFSO     : Set oFSO    = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim oWShell  : Set oWShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim objNet   : Set objNet  = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Dim Env      : Set Env     = oWShell.Environment("SYSTEM")
Dim arrFiles : arrFiles    = Array()
Dim objIE
Dim objProgressBar
Dim objTextLine1
Dim objTextLine2
Dim objQuitFlag
Dim spyPath
Dim index

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Determine OS type. Must be Windows_NT (windows XP/2K/2K3)                  |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
If StrComp(Env("OS"),"Windows_NT",VBTextCompare) <> 0 Then
   WScript.Echo "This script supports only Windows NT." & vbNewLine & "Exiting..."
End If

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Set file spy path = c:\spy.htm                                             |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Whose been a naughty surfer? Let's find out! ;)                            |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Outta here ...                                                             |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Cleanup and Quit                                                           |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Sub CleanupQuit()
    Set oFSO    = Nothing
    Set oWShell = Nothing
    Set objNet  = Nothing
End Sub

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Start Spy Scan                                                             |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Sub StartSpyScan()
    Dim index_folder, history_folder, oSubFolder, oStartDir, sFileRegExPattern, user


    If index_folder="None" Then
      MsgBox "No folder specified. Scan Aborted."

      StartIE  "IE Spy"   
      SetLine1 "Locating history files:"

      sFileRegExPattern = "\index.dat$"
      Set oStartDir = oFSO.GetFolder(index_folder)

      For Each oSubFolder In oStartDir.SubFolders
        history_folder=oSubFolder.Path&"\Local Settings\History\History.IE5"
        If oFSO.FolderExists(history_folder) Then

          If IsQuit()=True Then
          End If

          user = split(history_folder,"\")
          SetLine2 user(2)

          Set oStartDir = oFSO.GetFolder(history_folder)
          RecurseFilesAndFolders oStartDir, sFileRegExPattern
        End If

      ' Index flag to determine if at least one index.dat file exists.
      If IsEmpty(index) Then
        MsgBox "No Index.dat files found. Scan Aborted."
      End If

   End If
End Sub

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Locate Index.Dat Folder                                                    |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Function LocateIndexFolder()
    ' WINXP/2K
    If oFSO.FolderExists("c:\Documents and Settings") Then
      LocateIndexFolder = "c:\Documents and Settings"

    ' Browse For Folder
      LocateIndexFolder = fnGetMyPathVB
    End If
End Function

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Specify Custom Index.dat Folder                                            |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Function fnGetMyPathVB()
    Dim oShell, oFolder, oFolderItem

    set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    set oFolder = oShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose your 'Documents and Settings' Folder", 0)

    If oFolder is nothing Then
      fnGetMyPathVB = "None"
      set oFolderItem = oFolder.Items.Item
      fnGetMyPathVB = oFolderItem.Path
    End If
End Function

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Find ALL History Index.Dat Files                                           |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Sub RecurseFilesAndFolders(oRoot, sFileEval)
    Dim oSubFolder, oFile, oRegExp

    Set oRegExp = New RegExp
    oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True

    If Not (sFileEval = "") Then
      oRegExp.Pattern = sFileEval
      For Each oFile in oRoot.Files
        If (oRegExp.Test(oFile.Name)) Then
          ReDim Preserve arrFiles(UBound(arrFiles) + 1)
          arrFiles(UBound(arrFiles)) = oFile.Path
          index=1 ' Found at least one index.dat file!
        End If
    End If

    For Each oSubFolder In oRoot.SubFolders
      RecurseFilesAndFolders oSubFolder, sFileEval
End Sub

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Create Spy.tmp file                                                        |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Sub CreateSpyTmpFile()
    Dim sTempTmp, ub, count, elem, user
    ' Example: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\spy.tmp
    sTempTmp = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2)+"\spy.tmp"
    ' Cleanup old spy.tmp file ...
    If oFSO.FileExists(sTempTmp) Then
      oFSO.DeleteFile sTempTmp
    End If  
    count = 0
    ub = UBound(arrFiles)
    For Each elem In arrFiles

        If IsQuit()=True Then
        End If

        count = count+1            
        user = split(elem,"\")
        SetLine1 "Scanning "+user(2)+" history files:"
        SetLine2 CStr(ub+1-count)

        oWShell.Run "cmd /c find "+chr(34)+"://"+chr(34)+" "+chr(34)+elem+chr(34)+" >>"+chr(34)+sTempTmp+chr(34),0,True

    ' Check that spy.tmp exists.   
    If not oFSO.FileExists(sTempTmp) Then
      MsgBox "For some odd reason, SPY.TMP does not exist:"+vbCRLF+vbCRLF+sTempTmp+vbCRLF+vbCRLF+"Unfortunately, no surfing history can be tracked. (cyber_flash@hotmail.com)", VBOKonly, "Exiting (code=0)"
    End If

End Sub

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Create Spy.htm file                                                        |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Sub CreateSpyHtmFile()
    Dim sReadLine, sArray, start, visit_date, sTempTmp, oTextStream, oFilein, elem

    ' Cleanup old spy.htm file ...
    If oFSO.FileExists(spyPath) Then
      oFSO.DeleteFile spyPath
    End If
    Set oTextStream = oFSO.CreateTextFile(spyPath)
    ' Check that spy.htm was created.   
    If not oFSO.FileExists(spyPath) Then
      MsgBox "For some odd reason, SPY.HTM does not exist:"+vbCRLF+vbCRLF+spyPath+vbCRLF+vbCRLF+"Unfortunately, no surfing history can be tracked. (cyber_flash@hotmail.com)", VBOKonly, "Exiting (code=1)"
    End If
    ' Example: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\spy.tmp
    sTempTmp = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2)+"\spy.tmp"
    Set oFilein = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sTempTmp,1)

    oTextStream.WriteLine "<html><title>IE is spying on you!</title><body><b>Welcome "&objNet.UserName&"</b><br>"
    oTextStream.WriteLine "<table border='0' width='100%'>"
    Do While Not oFilein.AtEndOfStream
      sReadLine = oFilein.ReadLine
      start = Instr(sReadLine,": ")
      If start <> 0 Then
        sReadLine = Mid(sReadLine,start+2)
        sArray = Split(sReadLine,"@")
        'Visit Date + User + Visited URL    
        oTextStream.WriteLine "<tr><td nowrap><font color=red size=2>"+visit_date+"</font></td>"+"<td nowrap><font color=green size=2>"+sArray(0)+"</font></td>"+"<td nowrap><font size=2><a href="+sArray(1)+">"+sArray(1)+"</a></font></td></tr>"
      End If
    oTextStream.WriteLine "</table>"
    oTextStream.WriteLine "<br><b>Listing of Index.dat history files:</b><br>"    
    For Each elem In arrFiles
      oTextStream.WriteLine elem+"<br>"      
    oTextStream.WriteLine "<b>End of Report</b><p><a href=mailto:cyber_flash@hotmail.com?subject=ie_spy>Bugs or Comments? :)</a></p></body></html>"

    ' Cleanup temp file ...    
    If oFSO.FileExists(sTempTmp) Then
      oFSO.DeleteFile sTempTmp
    End If    
End Sub

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Convert Date into readable format                                          |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
function fnFormatDate(sReadLine)
    Dim d, tArray

    tArray = Split(sReadLine,": ")
    If IsNumeric(d) Then
      fnFormatDate = Left(d,4)+"/"+Mid(d,5,2)+"/"+Mid(d,7,2)+"-"+Mid(d,9,4)+"/"+Mid(d,13,2)+"/"+Mid(d,15,2)
      'Date not stored! Let's default something. ;)
      fnFormatDate = "0000/00/00-0000/00/00"
    End If
End Function

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Run Spy.htm file                                                           |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Sub RunSpyHtmFile()
    ' Check that spy.htm exists.   
    If not oFSO.FileExists(spyPath) Then
      MsgBox "For some odd reason, SPY.HTM does not exist:"+vbCRLF+vbCRLF+spyPath+vbCRLF+vbCRLF+"Unfortunately, no surfing history can be tracked. (cyber_flash@hotmail.com)", VBOKonly, "Exiting (code=2)"
      oWShell.Run chr(34)+spyPath+chr(34)
    End If
End Sub

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Delete Index.dat files                                                     |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Sub DeleteIndexFiles()
    Dim sTempExe, elem
    If MsgBox ("Would you like to delete specific Index.dat files?", 65, "Notice")=1 Then

      ' Example: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\deindex.exe
      sTempExe = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2)+"\deindex.exe"

      For Each elem In arrFiles
        If MsgBox ("Delete file upon PC restart?"&vbcrlf&elem, 65, "Delete?")=1 Then
          oWShell.Run sTempExe+" "+chr(34)+elem+chr(34)
        End If
      MsgBox "Any pending file deletions are stored under this registry key:"&vbcrlf&vbcrlf&"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations"&vbcrlf&vbcrlf&"If you want to undo the pending deletions, goto the above value and simply delete it! (use: regedit.exe)",0,"Notice"
    End If
End Sub

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Build DeIndex.exe (see source code below)                                  |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Sub BuildDeIndexFile(sTempExe)
    Dim t, i, deindex
    If not oFSO.FileExists(sTempExe) Then

      Set deindex=oFSO.CreateTextFile(sTempExe,2)

      ' Check that deindex.exe was created.   
      If not oFSO.FileExists(sTempExe) Then
        MsgBox "For some odd reason, DEINDEX.EXE does not exist:"+vbCRLF+vbCRLF+sTempExe+vbCRLF+vbCRLF+"Unfortunately, no surfing history can be deleted. (cyber_flash@hotmail.com)", VBOKonly, "Exiting (code=3)"
      End If    

      For i=0 To UBound(t)
        deindex.Write chr(Int("&H"&t(i)))

    End If
End Sub

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Source code for DeIndex.exe                                                |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' ;Title:    Delete Index.dat files!
' ;Author:   Vengy! (-_-)
' ;Date:     2004 and beyond ...
' ;Tested:   Win2K/XP ...
' ;Compiled: MASM32
' ;Comments: cyber_flash@hotmail.com
' ;This program takes the index.dat file path as a commandline argument,
' ;then invokes the MoveFileEx API which deletes the specified file upon RESTART.
' ;The Pending file renames are stored under this registry key:
' ;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations
' ;Please visit the link below for more details. Thanks!
' ;[URL unfurl="true"]http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=...[/URL]
' .486p
' .MODEL flat, stdcall
' option casemap:none
' include             \masm32\include\windows.inc
' include             \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
' include             \masm32\include\masm32.inc
' includelib          \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
' includelib          \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
'       szSrcFile db MAX_PATH dup(0)
' Main:
'       invoke    GetCL, 1, addr szSrcFile
'       invoke    MoveFileEx, addr szSrcFile, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT
'       invoke    ExitProcess, 0
' End   Main
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | End of DeIndex.exe source code                                             |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | Launch IE Dialog Box and Progress bar                                      |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' Shamelessly copied from: [URL unfurl="true"]http://cwashington.netreach.net/depo/view.asp?Inde...[/URL]
Private Sub StartIE(strTitel)

    Dim objDocument
    Dim objWshShell

    Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

    objIE.height = 160
    objIE.width = 400

    objIE.menubar = False
    objIE.toolbar = false
    objIE.statusbar = false
    objIE.addressbar = false
    objIE.resizable = False

    objIE.navigate ("about:blank")

    While (objIE.busy)

    set objDocument = objIE.document 
    WriteHtmlToDialog objDocument, strTitel
    set objTextLine1 = objIE.document.all("txtMilestone")
    set objTextLine2 = objIE.document.all("txtRemarks")
    Set objProgressBar = objIE.document.all("pbText")
    set objQuitFlag = objIE.document.Secret.pubFlag

    objTextLine1.innerTEXT = ""
    objTextLine2.innerTEXT = ""

    ' objIE.document.body.innerHTML = "Building Document..." + "<br>load time= " + n
    objIE.visible = True

    Set objWSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    objWshShell.AppActivate("Microsoft Internet Explorer")
End Sub

Private Function CloseIE()
        On Error Resume Next
End Function 

Private sub SetLine1(sNewText)
        On Error Resume Next
        objTextLine1.innerTEXT = sNewText
End Sub

Private sub SetLine2(sNewText)
        On Error Resume Next
        objTextLine2.innerTEXT = sNewText
End Sub

Private function IsQuit()
        On Error Resume Next
        If objQuitFlag.Value<>"quit" Then
        End If
End function

Private Sub WriteHtmlToDialog(objDocument, strTitel)
    objDocument.Writeln "<title>" & strTitel & "</title> "
    objDocument.Writeln "<style>"
    objDocument.Writeln " BODY {background: #CCCCFF} BODY { overflow:hidden }"
    objDocument.Writeln " P.txtStyle {color: Navy; font-family: Verdana; " _
        & " font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 10px } "
    objDocument.Writeln " input.pbStyle {color: Navy; font-family: Wingdings; " _ 
         & " font-size: 10pt; background: Silver; height: 20px; " _
         & " width: 340px } "
    objDocument.Writeln "</style>"
    objDocument.Writeln "<div id=""objProgress"" class=""Outer""></div>"

    objDocument.Writeln "<CENTER>"
    objDocument.Writeln "<b><SPAN id=txtMilestone class='txtStyle' style='margin-left: 10px'></SPAN>"
    objDocument.Writeln "<font color=green><SPAN id=txtRemarks class='txtStyle' style='margin-left: 10px'></SPAN></font><b>"
    objDocument.Writeln "<br><br>" ' space down a little

    objDocument.Writeln "<input type='text' id='pbText' class='pbStyle' value='' >" 
    objDocument.Writeln "<br><br>" ' space down a little

    objDocument.Writeln "<input type='button' value='Cancel' " _
                & " onclick='SetReturnFlag(""quit"")' >"
    objDocument.Writeln "</CENTER>" 

    objDocument.Writeln "<form name='secret' >" _
                & " <input type='hidden' name='pubFlag' value='run' >" _
                & "</form>" 

    objDocument.Writeln "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='VBScript' >" 

    objDocument.Writeln "Sub SetReturnFlag(sFlag)"
    objDocument.Writeln " secret.pubFlag.Value = sFlag"
    objDocument.Writeln " txtMileStone.style.color = ""Red"" "
    objDocument.Writeln " txtRemarks.style.color = ""Red"" "
    objDocument.Writeln "End Sub" 

    objDocument.Writeln "Function PctComplete(nPct)"
    objDocument.Writeln "pbText.Value = String(nPct,"" "") & String(4,""n"")"
    objDocument.Writeln "End Function"

    objDocument.Writeln "Sub UpdateProgress()"
    objDocument.Writeln "Dim intStep"
    objDocument.Writeln "Dim intDirection"
    objDocument.Writeln "If (IsNull(objProgress.getAttribute(""Step"")) = True) Then"
    objDocument.Writeln "intStep = 0"
    objDocument.Writeln "Else"
    objDocument.Writeln "intStep = objProgress.Step"
    objDocument.Writeln "End If"
    objDocument.Writeln "if (IsNull(objProgress.GetAttribute(""Direction""))=True) Then"
    objDocument.Writeln "intDirection = 0"
    objDocument.Writeln "Else"
    objDocument.Writeln "intDirection = objProgress.Direction"
    objDocument.Writeln "End If"
    objDocument.Writeln "if intDirection=0 then"
    objDocument.Writeln "intStep = intStep + 1"
    objDocument.Writeln "else"
    objDocument.Writeln "intStep = intStep - 1"
    objDocument.Writeln "end if"
    objDocument.Writeln "Call PctComplete(intStep)"
    objDocument.Writeln "if intStep>=23 then"
    objDocument.Writeln "intDirection=1"
    objDocument.Writeln "end if"
    objDocument.Writeln "if intStep<=0 then"
    objDocument.Writeln "intDirection=0"
    objDocument.Writeln "end if"
    objDocument.Writeln "objProgress.SetAttribute ""Step"", intStep"
    objDocument.Writeln "objProgress.SetAttribute ""Direction"", intDirection"
    objDocument.Writeln "Window.setTimeout GetRef(""UpdateProgress""), " & conBarSpeed
    objDocument.Writeln "End Sub"

    objDocument.Writeln "Sub DialogHardTimeout()"
    objDocument.Writeln "SetReturnFlag(""quit"")"
    objDocument.Writeln "End sub"
    objDocument.Writeln "Sub Window_OnLoad()"
    objDocument.Writeln "theleft = (screen.availWidth - document.body.clientWidth) / 2"
    objDocument.Writeln "thetop = (screen.availHeight - document.body.clientHeight) / 2"
    objDocument.Writeln "window.moveTo theleft,thetop"
    objDocument.Writeln "Window.setTimeout GetRef(""UpdateProgress""), " & conBarSpeed
    objDocument.Writeln "Window.setTimeout GetRef(""DialogHardTimeout""), " & conForcedTimeOut
    objDocument.Writeln "End Sub"
    objDocument.Writeln "</SCRIPT>"

End Sub

' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
' | All good things come to an end.                                            |
' +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

I hope you find this post helpful.



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