Hi All,
Does anyone have a script that could read into AD and export each user default SMTP email address with their full names to an Excel CSV or tab delimited file?
Set oRS = oConnection.Execute("SELECT mail,uid,sn,givenName FROM 'LDAP://abg0970e.abg.fsc.net' WHERE uid='" & WshNetwork.Username & "'"
'While Not oRS.EOF
If oRS.RecordCount = 1 Then For i = 0 To oRS.Fields.Count - 1
If IsArray(oRS.Fields(i).value) Then
aArray = oRS.Fields(i).Value
If oRS.Fields(i).Name = "sn" Then
strSN = aArray(0)
ElseIf oRS.Fields(i).Name = "givenName" Then
strGN = aArray(0)
End If
'msgbox oRS.Fields(i).Name & ": " & aArray(0)
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\WASP\NetWorker Laptop_6.2_EN\" & oRS.Fields(i).Name, aArray(0)
If oRS.Fields(i).Name = "sn" Then
strSN = oRS.Fields(i)
ElseIf oRS.Fields(i).Name = "givenName" Then
strGN = oRS.Fields(i)
End If
'msgbox oRS.Fields(i).Name & ": " & oRS.Fields(i)
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\WASP\NetWorker Laptop_6.2_EN\" & oRS.Fields(i).Name, oRS.Fields(i).Value
End If
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\WASP\NetWorker Laptop_6.2_EN\commonNameNational", strGN & " " & strSN
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