Technical User
Has anyone seen a script kicking around that would export all layers to individual EPS files.?
I have this guy who does all his work in Illustrator and does different pages as layers which is a major pain in the arse. One you have to sit there and manually hide and unhide layers and print them, then your stuck with however many files with the same name on the rip. Not very nice I tell ya! If it were my choice I’d tell him to fix his files and make them print ready, or even charge him huge for the waste of time… but it isn’t my choice lol.
I have this guy who does all his work in Illustrator and does different pages as layers which is a major pain in the arse. One you have to sit there and manually hide and unhide layers and print them, then your stuck with however many files with the same name on the rip. Not very nice I tell ya! If it were my choice I’d tell him to fix his files and make them print ready, or even charge him huge for the waste of time… but it isn’t my choice lol.