- #1
i just wrote this script last week. it chops up ms proxy 2 logs into logs for individual users. it also discards lines referring to images.
b4 u start u have to add the log file names (except the current one) to a files.log
i have my proxy2 doing 1 log file / week which ends up about 120MB
ideally it would be automated but i wasnt sure at the time how to create a filelist to process in date order and not containing the newest.
this code is provided as is. in that it works for me (appears too ;-) )
'section to make new log file without lines starting with "-" or entries for jpgs or gifs
'syntax: cscript convert.vbs logfilename.log
'on error resume next
const forreading = 1, forwriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
function Getfiletype (instrg)
logarray = split(logstr,","![Wink ;) ;)]()
clever = split(logarray(18),"."![Wink ;) ;)]()
var = lcase(clever(ubound(clever)))
if VarType(var) <> "8" then var="xxx" end if
getfiletype = var
end function
'need to go thru existing log files.
'made file list by doing c:\>dir *. /b | sort >> files.log
'read text file
Set xfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"![Wink ;) ;)]()
Set xts = xfs
penTextFile("files.log", Forreading)
Do While xts.AtEndOfStream <> True
logname = xts.readline
dim logname,fso,ts
'logname = wscript.arguments(0)
newlog = logname & "_new"
flufflog= logname & "_fluff"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"![Wink ;) ;)]()
if fso.fileexists(logname) then
Set ts = fs
penTextFile(logname, Forreading)
if fso.fileexists(newlog) then fso.deletefile(newlog) end if
if fso.fileexists(flufflog) then fso.deletefile(flufflog) end if
set newts = fso.CreateTextFile(newlog, True)
set fluffts = fso.CreateTextFile(flufflog, True)
wscript.echo "Processing: " & logname
Do While ts.AtEndOfStream <> True
logstr = ts.readline
'get file type
filetype = GetFileType(logstr)
if instr("gif,jpg",filetype) then
if left(logstr,1) = "-" then
end if
end if
set ts = nothing
set fso =nothing
set newts = nothing
set fluffts = nothing
'need to open newlog and filter out into individual user files
'the main question is how much information to store.
'item(0) ipaddress
'item(4) date
'item(5) time
'item(19) url
'open file
Set fs2 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"![Wink ;) ;)]()
Set ts2 = fs2.OpenTextFile(newlog, ForReading)
Do While ts2.AtEndOfStream <> True
fullnewlogline = ts2.readline
'extract username from log line
newlogline = split(fullnewlogline,","![Wink ;) ;)]()
if lcase(newlogline(1)) = "anonymous" then
username = "anonymous"
domainuser = split(newlogline(1),"\"![Wink ;) ;)]()
username = lcase(domainuser(ubound(domainuser)))
end if
'check if file for that user exists and if not create one
'wscript.echo username
if not fs2.fileexists("evidence\" & username & ".log"
Set MyFile = fs2.CreateTextFile("evidence\" & username & ".log", True)
Set Myfile = fs2.OpenTextFile("evidence\" & username & ".log", ForAppending, True)
end if
if not instr(newlogline(18)," or not instr(newlogline(18),".css"
or not instr(newlogline(18),".js"
'write line
myfile.writeline newlogline(4) & "," & newlogline(5) & "," & newlogline(0) & "," & newlogline(18)
end if
set fs2 = nothing
set ts2 = nothing
wscript.echo "file not found!"
end if
'added this for going thru old files.
Security Forums
b4 u start u have to add the log file names (except the current one) to a files.log
i have my proxy2 doing 1 log file / week which ends up about 120MB
ideally it would be automated but i wasnt sure at the time how to create a filelist to process in date order and not containing the newest.
this code is provided as is. in that it works for me (appears too ;-) )
'section to make new log file without lines starting with "-" or entries for jpgs or gifs
'syntax: cscript convert.vbs logfilename.log
'on error resume next
const forreading = 1, forwriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
function Getfiletype (instrg)
logarray = split(logstr,","
clever = split(logarray(18),"."
var = lcase(clever(ubound(clever)))
if VarType(var) <> "8" then var="xxx" end if
getfiletype = var
end function
'need to go thru existing log files.
'made file list by doing c:\>dir *. /b | sort >> files.log
'read text file
Set xfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set xts = xfs
Do While xts.AtEndOfStream <> True
logname = xts.readline
dim logname,fso,ts
'logname = wscript.arguments(0)
newlog = logname & "_new"
flufflog= logname & "_fluff"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
if fso.fileexists(logname) then
Set ts = fs
if fso.fileexists(newlog) then fso.deletefile(newlog) end if
if fso.fileexists(flufflog) then fso.deletefile(flufflog) end if
set newts = fso.CreateTextFile(newlog, True)
set fluffts = fso.CreateTextFile(flufflog, True)
wscript.echo "Processing: " & logname
Do While ts.AtEndOfStream <> True
logstr = ts.readline
'get file type
filetype = GetFileType(logstr)
if instr("gif,jpg",filetype) then
if left(logstr,1) = "-" then
end if
end if
set ts = nothing
set fso =nothing
set newts = nothing
set fluffts = nothing
'need to open newlog and filter out into individual user files
'the main question is how much information to store.
'item(0) ipaddress
'item(4) date
'item(5) time
'item(19) url
'open file
Set fs2 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set ts2 = fs2.OpenTextFile(newlog, ForReading)
Do While ts2.AtEndOfStream <> True
fullnewlogline = ts2.readline
'extract username from log line
newlogline = split(fullnewlogline,","
if lcase(newlogline(1)) = "anonymous" then
username = "anonymous"
domainuser = split(newlogline(1),"\"
username = lcase(domainuser(ubound(domainuser)))
end if
'check if file for that user exists and if not create one
'wscript.echo username
if not fs2.fileexists("evidence\" & username & ".log"
Set MyFile = fs2.CreateTextFile("evidence\" & username & ".log", True)
Set Myfile = fs2.OpenTextFile("evidence\" & username & ".log", ForAppending, True)
end if
if not instr(newlogline(18)," or not instr(newlogline(18),".css"
'write line
myfile.writeline newlogline(4) & "," & newlogline(5) & "," & newlogline(0) & "," & newlogline(18)
end if
set fs2 = nothing
set ts2 = nothing
wscript.echo "file not found!"
end if
'added this for going thru old files.
Security Forums