I am having serious problems with one of my scripts.
is the script im having problems with.
is the source code.
I can not figure out why it is displaying $SelectedAd as some weird sequence of numbers (like 0.908109799879).
I can find NOTHING wrong with the script. I have tried this on 3 different servers and it does the same thing every time. Please help.
The problem might be in Essentials.lib (which you can see at but I dont think so.
The point of the script is to display a random advert (advertisement).
$Ad is a scalar I assigned to the foreach statement
I thought $SelectedAd = rand (@AdAccounts) would select a random value in @AdAccounts (Like $AdAccounts[0], $AdAccounts[2], etc, but assign it to @AdAccounts randomly) - Ben Russell
- President of Intracor Technologies (
is the script im having problems with.
is the source code.
I can not figure out why it is displaying $SelectedAd as some weird sequence of numbers (like 0.908109799879).
I can find NOTHING wrong with the script. I have tried this on 3 different servers and it does the same thing every time. Please help.
The problem might be in Essentials.lib (which you can see at but I dont think so.
The point of the script is to display a random advert (advertisement).
$Ad is a scalar I assigned to the foreach statement
I thought $SelectedAd = rand (@AdAccounts) would select a random value in @AdAccounts (Like $AdAccounts[0], $AdAccounts[2], etc, but assign it to @AdAccounts randomly) - Ben Russell
- President of Intracor Technologies (