When trying to print Purchasing Documents, for the first few times we get the following error:
"Unhandled script exception:
Value of range.
After battling with GP for a number of times we can finally get it to print.
Here are the options we are giving it:
Print: Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Format: Other Form
Sort Documents By: PO Number
Print Options - Print Reference Number and FOB
Include PO Status - New
Restrictions: PO Number from 0000 to ZZZZ
Any ideas as to why this battle happens for the first attempt?
"Unhandled script exception:
Value of range.
After battling with GP for a number of times we can finally get it to print.
Here are the options we are giving it:
Print: Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Format: Other Form
Sort Documents By: PO Number
Print Options - Print Reference Number and FOB
Include PO Status - New
Restrictions: PO Number from 0000 to ZZZZ
Any ideas as to why this battle happens for the first attempt?