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Script needed

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Apr 21, 2006
I am having issues with a file server. I can not get my users to delete stuff. They want to hold on to it forever. Typical users go figure. Anyways i need to move files that are old than a certain date onto a secondary storage device. I like the windows remote storage but it only works with tape drives and not NAS. Dont know why but its MS.

I need a script to move files and folders onto the NAS. I want to either create a shortcut to the new location or put a text file with the new location in its place. My goal is to make it seamless to the users. I am not sure where to start so any help would appreciate it.


Robocopy can be used to move the files and folders. I'd just send the users all an email saying that the older data has been moved.

There are products like DiskXtender by EMC which can give you a totally seamless migration. The users would never even know that thier data had been moved.

MCSA (2003) / MCDBA (SQL 2000)
MCTS (SQL 2005 / Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: Configuration / Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007: Configuration)
MCITP Database Administrator (SQL 2005) / Database Developer (SQL 2005)

My Blog
We've also used the "back up to tape" then "restore from tape" to the new location.

Good luck,
i was curious how you handle file servers that are full to capacity and you can not get users to delete stuff.

Setup Quotas so that the users can only save so much data to the disk, then they have to justify needing more space.

Also scan the drive for MP3s, MPEG, WMA, GIF, etc and delete all of those.

MCSA (2003) / MCDBA (SQL 2000)
MCTS (SQL 2005 / Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: Configuration / Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007: Configuration)
MCITP Database Administrator (SQL 2005) / Database Developer (SQL 2005)

My Blog
Here is a script i found and modified to my liking. I am having a problem getting it to loop thru all the files. Any help would be appreciated.



Dim oFSO, wshShell, FileCol, oFolder, objTextFile, shareLength, strDeptShare, strFileName, folderArray, i, message, sLinkFile, oLink
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set wshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")

'**** Configurable script options ****

'Location to search for files to archive from
defaultShare = "E:\Test"

'Location to move files to
defaultPath = "E:\ArchiveTest"

'Script searches for files older than this date
defaultDate = "08/31/2000"

'Move files from these folders only
'folderArray = array("InfoShared", "ISShared", "ISEngineering", "ISMgr", "ISOperations")
folderArray = array("somethingfolder")

'*********** Script begins ***********

shareName = inputbox("Please type the path to the file share you wish to search" & _
vbCrLf & "Leave this box empty for default path below:" & _
vbCrLf & defaultShare)

if shareName = "" then
shareName = defaultShare
end if

shareLength = len(shareName)

checkDate = inputbox("Please put in the date from which we are checking for modify date" & _
vbCrLf & "Leave this box empty for the default date below:" & _
vbCrLf & defaultDate)

if checkDate = "" then
checkDate = defaultDate
end if

daysSinceCheckDate = datediff("d", checkDate, date)

strMoveFileLocation = inputbox("Please type the path to place archived files and the file report" & _
vbCrLf & "Leave this box empty for the default path below:" & _
vbCrLf & defaultPath)

if strMoveFileLocation = "" then
strMoveFileLocation = defaultPath
end if

FileDIr = strMoveFileLocation & "\Files"

if not oFSO.FolderExists(FileDir) then
end if

'Error handling
on error resume next

logFile = strMoveFileLocation & "\" & "FileReport_DeptShares.csv"
tempFile = strMoveFileLocation & "\" & "tempfile_DeptShares.txt"
errorFile = strMoveFileLocation & "\" & "errors.txt"

if oFSO.FileExists(tempFile) then
oFSO.DeleteFile tempFile
end if

if not oFSO.FolderExists(shareName) then
wscript.echo "invalid start folder location"
end if

if not oFSO.FolderExists(strMoveFileLocation) then
wscript.echo "invalid archive folder location"
end if

set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(shareName)
Set colSubfolders = oFolder.Subfolders

strPreviousDeptShare = ""
strUserCount = "0"

'This message writes the column headers to the .csv file
message = "File Path " & "," & "File Name" & "," & "File type" & "," & _
"File Size (Bytes)" & "," & "File Age (Days)" & "," & _
"Date last accessed" & "," & "Date last modified"

writeLog logFile, message

'This calls the main subroutine

wshShell.run "explorer.exe " & strMoveFileLocation

'wscript.echo "Done!"


'*********** Subroutines *************

Sub ShowFolders(Folder)
For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders

continue = 0

'Find out if the current subfolder is in the array of folders to search
for i = 0 to uBound(folderArray)
if subfolder.name = folderArray(i) then
continue = 1
end if

if continue = 1 then

set osubfolder = oFSO.GetFolder(Subfolder.Path)
on error goto 0 'Change error num back to 0

set FileCol = osubFolder.Files

for each fil in filecol

fileModifyDate = fil.DateLastModified
daysSinceModify = datediff("d", fileModifyDate, date)

'Move file only if it is older than modify date specified
if daysSinceModify > daysSinceCheckDate then

fileAge = datediff("d", fil.DateCreated, date)
fileLastAccess = fil.DateLastAccessed
'fileSizeMB = FormatNumber(fil.size/1048576, 0)

message = fil.path & "," & fil.name & "," & fil.type & "," & fil.size & "," & fileAge & "," & _
fileLastAccess & "," & fileModifyDate

writeLog logFile, message

fileNameLength = len(fil.name)
filePathLength = len(fil.path)
filePathDiff = filePathLength - (fileNameLength)

filePath = left(fil.path, filePathDiff)
fileFolderLength = filePathDiff - shareLength
fileFolderPath = right(filePath, fileFolderLength)

newFilePath = FileDir & fileFolderPath

'Make sure subfolder exists in new location, create if necessary
if not oFSO.FolderExists(newFilePath) then
end if


'create shortcut to new file
sLinkFile = fil.Path & "\" & fil.name & ".LNK"
Set oLink = wshShell.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile)
oLink.TargetPath = (Fil.Path & "\" & fil.name)

'delete old file after move
oFSO.DeleteFile(fil.Path & "\" & fil.name)

end if


'Start subroutine again for each subfolder in folders collection
ShowSubFolders Subfolder

'An error here indicates permissions problem, log to error file
if err.number <> 0 then
writeLog errorFile, subfolder.path
end if
on error goto 0 'Change error num back to 0

end if
End Sub

Sub ShowSubFolders(Folder)
For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders

set osubfolder = oFSO.GetFolder(Subfolder.Path)
if err.number <> 0 then
writeLog errorFile, subfolder.path
end if
on error goto 0 'Change error num back to 0

set FileCol = osubFolder.Files

for each fil in filecol

fileModifyDate = fil.DateLastModified
daysSinceModify = datediff("d", fileModifyDate, date)

'Move file only if it is older than modify date specified
if daysSinceModify > daysSinceCheckDate then

fileAge = datediff("d", fil.DateCreated, date)
fileLastAccess = fil.DateLastAccessed
'fileSizeMB = FormatNumber(fil.size/1048576, 0)

message = fil.path & "," & fil.name & "," & fil.type & "," & fil.size & "," & fileAge & "," & _
fileLastAccess & "," & fileModifyDate

writeLog logFile, message

fileNameLength = len(fil.name)
filePathLength = len(fil.path)
filePathDiff = filePathLength - fileNameLength

filePath = left(fil.path, filePathDiff)
fileFolderLength = filePathDiff - shareLength
fileFolderPath = right(filePath, fileFolderLength)

newFilePath = FileDir & fileFolderPath

'Make sure subfolder exists in new location, create if necessary
if not oFSO.FolderExists(newFilePath) then

'An error will occur if the parent folder of the folder being created
'does not exist. The script will now create missing folder tree

if err.number <> 0 then

on error goto 0 'Change error num back to 0

continueLooping = 1

strTempLoopDir = fileDir & "\"

Do while continueLooping = 1

shareLength = len(strTempLoopDir)

writeLog tempFile, newFilePath

Set objTextFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(tempFile, 1, True)

Do while objTextFile.AtEndofStream <> True

if firstLoop <> "1" then
firstLoop = "1"
end if

strChar = objTextFile.Read(1)

if strChar <> "\" then
strShareFolderPath = strShareFolderPath + strChar
else exit do

end if



if oFSO.FileExists(tempFile) then
oFSO.DeleteFile tempFile
end if

strLoopPath = strTempLoopDir & strShareFolderPath & "\"

if not oFSO.FolderExists(strLoopPath) then

'Create next folder folder tree

if strLoopPath = newFilePath then
'Folder tree has been built
continueLooping = 0
end if

end if

strTempLoopDir = strLoopPath

firstLoop = 0
strShareFolderPath = ""


shareLength = len(shareName)

end if

end if

'Move file to new location

'create shortcut to new file
sLinkFile = fil.Path & "\" & fil.name & ".LNK"
Set oLink = wshShell.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile)
oLink.TargetPath = (Fil.Path & "\" & fil.name)

'delete old file after move
oFSO.DeleteFile(fil.Path & "\" & fil.name)

end if


'Start subroutine again with next subfolder in collection
ShowSubFolders Subfolder

'An error here indicates permissions problem, log to error file
if err.number <> 0 then
writeLog errorFile, subfolder.path
end if
on error goto 0 'Change error num back to 0

End Sub

Sub writeLog(strLogFile, strMessage)

const ForRead = 1
const ForWrite = 2
const ForAppend = 8

Set fsLog = oFSO.OpenTextFile(strLogFile, 8, True)
fsLog.WriteLine (strMessage)

End Sub

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