I've been running a forum for about a year with free registration, now that my isp has risen their prices, I have to charge a small subscriprion fee, but I can't find a php script that would accept paypal payments for the forum registration, then on an acceptance from the paypal server, the users registration details get entered into the forums database as a registered user, automatically, the script must also keep a record (using a mysql database), of the users details of registration, such as, payment date, etc etc, also the script must be able to send a reminder of re-ocurring payments via email at a set number of days before the next payment is due, and if the payment has not been recieved after a set number of days, the script would disable that users account in the forum, but still keep the records in the forum's database (just incase of the user wanting to re-activate his/her account).
If there is such a script, could someone post the url?
If there is such a script, could someone post the url?