I have a problem whereby things seem to happen so quick that the screen does not refresh.
In VB i thing we would issue a doevents so that the operating system can catch up and paint the screen.
Anyway if you look at the code below you will see that after displaying the dialog box it then connects to an .asp component on a server...the dialog box dissapears off the screen but the area that it covered is not repainted until that operation is finished....
Is there some way in vbscript to control how the screens refreshes..
if objxmlhttp.responsetext <> "Error" then
document.getelementbyid("data".async = false
retVal = showmodaldialog("htmlTemplates\confirmScreen.htm", data,"dialogHeight: 2.5in; center: yes; help : no; resizable : no; status : no; scroll: no;"
if retval = "" then exit function ' cancelled action
strUrl = "someaspcomponent.ASP?WCI=initiateFileLoad&strFileName=" & strFileName & "&strExternalDirectoryNump=" & document.getelementbyid("ExternalDirectoryNump".value
Set objxmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"
objxmlhttp.open "GET", strUrl, False
' its only here after this code that the page refreshes where the dialog box was displayed
outputMessage "Header Record Failed Check"
end if
end if
In VB i thing we would issue a doevents so that the operating system can catch up and paint the screen.
Anyway if you look at the code below you will see that after displaying the dialog box it then connects to an .asp component on a server...the dialog box dissapears off the screen but the area that it covered is not repainted until that operation is finished....
Is there some way in vbscript to control how the screens refreshes..
if objxmlhttp.responsetext <> "Error" then
document.getelementbyid("data".async = false
retVal = showmodaldialog("htmlTemplates\confirmScreen.htm", data,"dialogHeight: 2.5in; center: yes; help : no; resizable : no; status : no; scroll: no;"
if retval = "" then exit function ' cancelled action
strUrl = "someaspcomponent.ASP?WCI=initiateFileLoad&strFileName=" & strFileName & "&strExternalDirectoryNump=" & document.getelementbyid("ExternalDirectoryNump".value
Set objxmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"
objxmlhttp.open "GET", strUrl, False
' its only here after this code that the page refreshes where the dialog box was displayed
outputMessage "Header Record Failed Check"
end if
end if