Can anyone help with this script error, I am trying to play a Flash movie at the front of my presentation using this script:
on exitFrame
if sprite(1).frame < sprite(1).member.frameCount then
go to the frame
end if
end on
It plays the movie but then it comes up with this script and will not continue on to the rest of the presentataion which has all been authored in Director. I have placed the Flash file in channel 1 - I am new to Director and wondered if I am doing something wrong?
Here is the script error message:
Script error: Zero parameters expected
if sprite(1).frame < sprite(1).member.frameCount then
on exitFrame
if sprite(1).frame < sprite(1).member.frameCount then
go to the frame
end if
end on
It plays the movie but then it comes up with this script and will not continue on to the rest of the presentataion which has all been authored in Director. I have placed the Flash file in channel 1 - I am new to Director and wondered if I am doing something wrong?
Here is the script error message:
Script error: Zero parameters expected
if sprite(1).frame < sprite(1).member.frameCount then