I've been using the following forever and now suddenly it's not working. It writes to the the text file but then clears out the text file upon the Screenbuf$ ="" command.
I'm not sure why this suddenly isn't working anymore.
Screenbuf$ = ""
linebuf$ = Space$ (Maxcolumns%)
Looks like:
filenum% = FreeFile
FileName$ = "H:\Testing\Report1.txt"
Open FileName$ For Output as filenum%
Print # filenum%, screenbuf$; Chr$ (12)
Close filenum%
Screenbuf$ = ""
linebuf$ = Space$ (132)
I'm not sure why this suddenly isn't working anymore.
Screenbuf$ = ""
linebuf$ = Space$ (Maxcolumns%)
Looks like:
filenum% = FreeFile
FileName$ = "H:\Testing\Report1.txt"
Open FileName$ For Output as filenum%
Print # filenum%, screenbuf$; Chr$ (12)
Close filenum%
Screenbuf$ = ""
linebuf$ = Space$ (132)