I' building a URL string to pass into a web-based drawing viewer. The screen selection in EXTRA! will contain the drawing numbers. The URL string will contain several drawing numbers. Currently I have a simple copy to Clipboard routine that builds the string but is limited to one drawing number only. My goal is to have this work with multiple drawing numbers selected. Each drawing number will be in a separate row of the screen selection, aligned vertically. Positionally, the screen selection area will vary.
Here's a portion of the code I'm using for a single screen selected drawing number:
ClipboardText = (Trim(Clipboard.Gettext))
rc% = shell("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe ----------------------------------------
A multiple drawing search string (just showing the end of the above url) should look like this:
&searchstr="&ClipboardTextONE&searchstr="&ClipboardTextTWO&searchstr="&ClipboardTextTHREE&searchstr="). . . and so on. (up to ClipboardTextSIXTEEN maximum)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can post.
Here's a portion of the code I'm using for a single screen selected drawing number:
ClipboardText = (Trim(Clipboard.Gettext))
rc% = shell("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe ----------------------------------------
A multiple drawing search string (just showing the end of the above url) should look like this:
&searchstr="&ClipboardTextONE&searchstr="&ClipboardTextTWO&searchstr="&ClipboardTextTHREE&searchstr="). . . and so on. (up to ClipboardTextSIXTEEN maximum)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can post.