We have a test company set up for trying out new ideas or user training. It is based on copies of the live company.
I was working in this company on a new screen modification as part of a procedure modification.
While working on this, a user in the group who's screenset I had just changed, calls and asks while a certain field was now mandatory? I asked why he was in the test company and he said he wasn't.
Sure enough, the screenset in the live company was also changed from what I was doing in the test company.
I have never seen this happen before. We are 7.6.3100a on MS-SQL.
Is this the correct behavior?
I was able to confirm the above by replicating the problem several times.
I was working in this company on a new screen modification as part of a procedure modification.
While working on this, a user in the group who's screenset I had just changed, calls and asks while a certain field was now mandatory? I asked why he was in the test company and he said he wasn't.
Sure enough, the screenset in the live company was also changed from what I was doing in the test company.
I have never seen this happen before. We are 7.6.3100a on MS-SQL.
Is this the correct behavior?
I was able to confirm the above by replicating the problem several times.