Hi all:
I have a piece of code which captures the screen and saves it as a bitmap file. When i use 32 and 24 bit color it works fine, however..when i set the display to 256 colors, it gives me a blank screen...why?????
Appriciate the help.
Almost certainly related to palettes. 32 and 24-bit desktops are easily captured because the code doesn't need to worry about palettes. 256 colors and less can, oddly, be a little more complex
The method GetScreenBitmap() is used to capture the screen.
There are some redundant operations performed in the method, which u can ignore or modify....
typedef struct
int indexOld ; // The original palette index
int indexNew ; // The new palette index
DWORD dwCount ; // The number of pixels of that color
RGBQUAD rgb ; // The RGB value for that index
BYTE * DibSortColorTable (BYTE * pDib);
DWORD DibGetPixel (PBYTE pDib, int iRow, int iCol) ;
void DibSetPixel (PBYTE pDib, int iRow, int iCol, DWORD dwPixel) ;
//Get the Screen Bitmap and return a global handle to the memory containing the bmp
GetScreenBitmap(HDC hdcscr)
HPALETTE hPalette;
BYTE * pdib;
RECT appRectNew;
DWORD dwTotalSize, dwBitsSize ;
//set the buffer size and the Buffer pointer
memScreenDataSize = bmfh.bfSize;
screenInfoCard->bufSize = bmfh.bfSize;
screenInfoCard->hSize = appRect.right - appRect.left;
screenInfoCard->vSize = appRect.bottom - appRect.top;
prevMemScreenDataSize = bmfh.bfSize;
// Open the output file
//write the bmp into the memory
DWORD dwTemp =0;
HANDLE hf = CreateFile("testCaptureBitmap.bmp",
(DWORD) 0,
WriteFile(hf, memScreenData, bmfh.bfSize,
(LPDWORD) &dwTemp, NULL);
return true;
GetCurrentPalette: Obtains the current system palette.
// Now create a palette based on the system palette entries
hPalette = CreatePalette (plogpal) ;
// free the memory
free (plogpal) ;
// If the device doesn't support palettes, hPalette is NULL.
hPalette = NULL ;
// Release the DC
ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc) ;
return hPalette ;
ConvertDDBtoDIB: Converts a GDI bitmap object to a DIB using a palette.
Function based on Knowledge Base article Q80080.
DibSortColorTable: Sorts a DIB color table to put most-used colors
at the beginning. Possibly reduces size of DIB
for unused colors, so returns pointer to new DIB.
BYTE * DibSortColorTable (BYTE * pDib)
COLORCOUNT cc[256] ;
int cRows, cCols, cClrs, iRow, iCol, i, cClrsNew ;
// This function is only applicable for palette DIBs
if (DibBitCount(pDib) > 8)
return pDib ;
// Get some useful information about the DIB using macros
// defined in ScreenSeizeDib.h
DibGetPixel: Gets a pixel value for a particular row and column address.
NOTE: No bounds check on row and column!
DWORD DibGetPixel (PBYTE pDib, int iRow, int iCol)
// Handy macro in ScreenSeizeDib.h
DibSetPixel: Sets a pixel value for a particular row and column address.
NOTE: No bounds check on row and column!
void DibSetPixel (PBYTE pDib, int iRow, int iCol, DWORD dwPixel)
// Ditto
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