I am trying to use ASP to pass some user-entry input(from HTML form) to the SCR object. This is the line of code that is giving the problem
>operator_words = Request.Form("operator"
>value = Request.Form("value"
>field = Request.Form("field"
>selection_formula = cstr(field) & cstr(operator_words) & " " & cstr(value)
>session("oRpt".RecordSelectionFormula = cstr(selection_formula)
This is the error message from the browser
Seagate Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer error '800473d2'
The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula.
Seagate Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer error '800473d2'
The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula.
I am trying to use ASP to pass some user-entry input(from HTML form) to the SCR object. This is the line of code that is giving the problem
>operator_words = Request.Form("operator"
>value = Request.Form("value"
>field = Request.Form("field"
>selection_formula = cstr(field) & cstr(operator_words) & " " & cstr(value)
>session("oRpt".RecordSelectionFormula = cstr(selection_formula)
This is the error message from the browser
Seagate Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer error '800473d2'
The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula.
Seagate Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer error '800473d2'
The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula.