Hello and that you for any assistance you can provide. I host 11 Unix server. 2 are standalone server and 9 are virtual servers divided between two VMware esxi host machine and span 5 different subnets (Router/IP addresses). These server have been stable for years (in many cases) until about two months ago. At that time I started having a cascading failure of all of the Unix server at different times but all servers received this error at least once a day and the only solution has been to reboot the SCO OS. This went on for about two weeks and after I threw everything at it the problem stopped. I thought I had fixed it... Until about a week ago when the problem returned again and I have to reboot all server several times a day to restore network functionality. My network cards are all different: 3Com905C, Intel Gigabit, Dell Server built in gigabit. All servers have RS506a and OSS646b updates. All servers have had stream pages raised to 8000, and until I get the error I see no failures at all running netstat -m. Once the failure happens netstat -m shows 10's of thousands of failures, usually in Class 6. I do not know what that means. HELP! and thank you.