Hi guys
I am installing my first SCN with 3 sites.
I have the main site installed and working, voicemail pro working, onexportal, softconsole for reception.
I haven't installed site B or site C yet , next week hopefully.
Main site A
I have 2 IP lines pointing to the other sites
Line 17 to site B
Line 18 to site C
Voicemail pro.
Site B
Line 17 to site A main site
Centralised voicemail to line 17
Line17 to site A
Centralised voicemail to line 17.
From what I have read I only need 1 trunk from each off the remote sites.
Is that correct or do i need to have another trunk on site b,c pointing to each other.
Also the soft console, will it see the other 2 sites extns automattically when they become live or do I have to open softconsole and manually assign them.
Thanks for any help.
I am installing my first SCN with 3 sites.
I have the main site installed and working, voicemail pro working, onexportal, softconsole for reception.
I haven't installed site B or site C yet , next week hopefully.
Main site A
I have 2 IP lines pointing to the other sites
Line 17 to site B
Line 18 to site C
Voicemail pro.
Site B
Line 17 to site A main site
Centralised voicemail to line 17
Line17 to site A
Centralised voicemail to line 17.
From what I have read I only need 1 trunk from each off the remote sites.
Is that correct or do i need to have another trunk on site b,c pointing to each other.
Also the soft console, will it see the other 2 sites extns automattically when they become live or do I have to open softconsole and manually assign them.
Thanks for any help.