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Scheduling problem

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Jan 18, 2005
Hi there,
We have NBU 5.1 MP2 on Windows 2000

Here is wht I want to achieve with my tapes.
- Each first monday of the month, a full backup, retention 11 months : tape goes out for a day
- Each second, third, forth, monday, a full backup, retention 3 weeks : tape goes out for a day
- Each Tuesday, a full backup, retention 5 days : tape goes out for a week
- Each other day of the week, cummulative incremental : tape goes out for a day.

I used the calendar based schedule to get the good mondays... But the backup doesn't start. The system find's no scheduled backup to run
The windows is set on mondays, from 17:00 to 23:55

What's wrong ?

How can I achevie the same goal, but with frequency based schedule ?

Thank`s in advance for your help !

I don't use the calendar so I don't know if its possible to do as you want, but it sounds reasonable.

I use frequency based. Which means you have to run 13 times 4 week monthlys. I have full scheduled for each monday for example, retention 5 weeks. Every 4 weeks I have a full with 13 month retention. Both these backups are exactly the same apart from the retention period. The start times are exactly the same. Somehow NB makes a choice and only submitts the job with the longer retention period so I don't get two jobs running at once.

Incrementals are scheduled for all other days.

Just a sugestion you might like to keep your monthly off site untill it is replaced by the next monthly. Otherwise if you lose the whole site you will only have that one 5 day retention full to go back to.
I got it.
I understand what went wrong : I do tests during the day and try to get the regular sheduled backup run at night. But since I runned a test using one schedule, NBU doesn't start it again the same day...
Now, if I want to do tests during the day, I have a complete new sets of policies...

For the offsite tape, I agree with you and I am actually working on a Disaster Recovery plan and I will justify the purchase of new tapes this year.
My goal is to have two copies of the backup (a full every day - keep 3 weeks, keep 12 month). and have a tape go outside every day.

That way, if we want to do a restore, we have the tape in our hands, and we will have everything we need to rebuild in case of disaster. Now, we can rebuild from the last Full backup, but we loose the historical data. That is bad!

You could change the frequency of the backup just for the test so that the backup will kick in that night. I've had the same problem when submitting additional jobs on extra days. So I just changed the weekly backup frequency to 2 days instead of 6 days. The schedule still only puts the job in once a week because the window is only open for example friday night. But I can put a job in manually on tuesday no probs.
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