How are people currently scheduling cubes to refresh in Version 6.61 Transformer?
We have a selection of cubes we wish to build in the mornings. They have to run in Parallel to enable us to get them all 'in' in time for the start of the day.
Depending on how good a box you have transformer on, you can schedule the cube builds using the command line parameters for transformer.
I usually work on nt server/workstations which have the scheduler service for the AT command.
The command line is placed in a batch file (for ease of modification and testing), with the batch file being scheduled using AT.
The command line I normally use is:
"c:\program files\cognos\cer1\bin\trnsfrmr.exe" -n -s C:\cognos\models\build.pyi
You can schedule all cube builds in a similar way. But, if your machine is not up to the task of parallel running 2 or 3 cube builds, you may need to spread the load over several machines.
Hope this is of some little help
Kevin **************************************************************
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