Here's an idea, which will probably be blasted by the smarter folks, but should work:
Wrap your job inside a script like this:
day=`date +%d`
if [ "$day" = "1" ]
> /tmp/runlog
run_num=`wc /tmp/runlog|awk '{ print $1 '}`
if [ "$run_num" = "2" ]
{do your script or process here}
echo "Not Today" >>/tmp/runlog
Then, create a CRON entry which only runs Monday-Friday and then only on the first 5 days:
10 11 1-5 * 1-5 /usr/local/bin/myscript
This doesn't account for Holidays, which would vary by locale anyway.
A "wrapper" script or putting a test at the start of the actual script were suggested as solutions last time this issue was raised.
Please check the CRON entry, perhaps with a test script, because I think that the following: 10 11 1-5 * 1-5 /usr/local/bin/myscript
will run at 11:10hrs on the 1st to 5th of every month and every Monday to Friday. (not 1st to 5th as long as they are weekdays)
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