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Scheduled Tasks Failing since using SQL Authentication

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Technical User
May 27, 2003
Hi - on Friday I changed the way my ePO server talks to our SQL Server (separate machines). It was using NT Authentication, however I was running into problems with admins using XP being unable to run reports. So I changed it to use SQL Authentication which fixed that problem.

So, imagine my sad surprise I came in this morning happy knowing that with TWO dat releases over the weekend, everything would be running up to date and finding everything was still at 2 versions back :(

In my SITEMGR.log file I get this:

20040503100001 I 2924 DAL About the attempt to connect to database
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL COM Error :80004005 in OpenConx
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL Meaning = Unspecified error
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL Description = [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL COM Error :800a0e78 in CloseConx
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL Meaning = Unknown error 0x800A0E78
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL Source = ADODB.Connection
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL Description = Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL COM Error :80004003
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL Meaning = Invalid pointer
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL Source = (null)
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL Description = (null)
20040503100033 E 2924 DAL Select * from UserTable WHERE RootNodeID=0 and WriteAccess=1
20040503100033 I 2924 SiteMgr Get SiteMgr status 0
20040503100033 e 2924 SiteMgr DoMirror: Action denied, not in ePO mode
20040503100034 I 2924 DAL
20040503100034 I 2924 DAL ePO 3.0 DAL exit
20040503100034 I 2924 DAL
20040503100034 I 2924 Stack Exit
20040503100034 I 2924 Stack 60066547
20040503100034 I 2924 Stack 77f830e7
20040503100034 I 2924 Stack 77f8ee02
20040503100034 I 2924 Stack 7c580ed2
20040503100034 I 2924 Stack 78007cd8
20040503100034 I 2924 Stack 7c581af6

I am able to connect to the database fine and run my reports as usual. But NONE of my scheduled tasks are working. (I even created a new one time one and same thing).

I WAS able to run a 'Pull Now' job with no problems.

Any ideas?
Did you reboot after making that change?

If I had a penny for every framework issue i'd have alot of pennies....
Well, I wish i could be more help, but we use epo authentication to log into the reports... U should try that seems to work very well...

If I had a penny for every framework issue i'd have alot of pennies....
Solution ID NAI 36346 maybe resolve the problem
Hi Xavi007 - we are now using ePO authentication for reports, however in order to do that I had to change the way ePO talks to the sql server from NT Authentication to SQL authentication (other people running XP were not able to log into the reporting).
I know, it's very confusing... but ever since that change, my Tasks don't run.

bmkb: sadly that is not it... It's like either ePO can't see the server or it doesn't like the access permissions, however there are no log on failures being recorded on the sql server, so I get the feeling its not even getting that far.

bad week for this to be happening...
Yeah no kidding, my epo server almost went down on wednesday, I was sweating it every second, The one time I moved the sql database I ended up rebuilding the server shortly after had to start over due to communication problems.... sorry I couldn't help out more... good luck.

If I had a penny for every framework issue i'd have alot of pennies....
NAI is telling me that the SQL account has to be SA in order for this to work which seems ludicrous to me. SA should only be used for SQL Server maintenance - it would be like saying ePO needs to run using the NT Administrator account...

I can see the SQL account requiring dbo rights (which it has) but this SA crap is insane. Everything else works great except for Scheduled Tasks. Doesn't seem to me like Scheduled Tasks does anything more than any of the other epo functions...


So what do I give up: my remote admins being able to run reports using their ePO authentication, or scheduled downloading and replication of DATs (and tell all the admins what the ePO SQL account password is)....
McAfee drives me to drink.
It's driven me to drink too....

Yeah that's what they told me, so we had to goto the epo authentication way of logging into the reports... couldn't have all those SA's running a muck...

You know you can check out your Scheduled tasks, they have .ini files under this dir. on the server running XP

\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Network Associates\Common Framework\Task

there should be a long GUID id number .ini file which is your scheduled task and you can open it up with a simple txt editor and see if it's enabled..

If I had a penny for every framework issue i'd have alot of pennies....
Did you ever fix this? I'm getting the same problem. After changing to SQL auth. the scheduled tasks no longer run.
OK Guys, I went through this same thing. To get the remote console where it would print reports, I was told by NAI that I'd have to locate the CFGNAIMS.EXE and change to SQL authentication.

I did so and the console started printing. However after closing the console on both the remote and the server it wouldn 't open back up. I also had trouble if the server ever went down it would never come back up.

I could probably have worked out all the details but for the moment it was easier to go back to NT authentication. Everything worked including the remote console printing. Apparently it reset some flag.

It turned out that I had registry keys missing though I have no idea what happened to them. I've posted them below on the off chance that anybody else finds they have the same problem.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Associates\ePolicy Orchestrator\Application Plugins\EPOSERV_3000]
"Plugin Path"="D:\\Program Files\\Network Associates\\ePO\\3.0.1\\EPOSRVSP.DLL"
"Software ID"="EPOSERV_3000"
"Plugin Flag"=dword:00000003

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Associates\ePolicy Orchestrator\Application Plugins\SITEMGR_1000]
"Installed Path"="D:\\Program Files\\Network Associates\\ePO\\3.0.1"
"Plugin Path"="D:\\Program Files\\Network Associates\\ePO\\3.0.1\\SMgrPlug.Dll"
"Product Name"="McAfee AutoUpdate Architect"
"Software ID"="SITEMGR_1000"
"Plugin Flag"=dword:00000003
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