i have done everything i can think of. bounced the server, bounced the crystal services, pointed the report server to a different exchange server. but scheduled reports still get stuck in a pending status.
You need to set up the email server properly, with a valid account, and youmust complete the email portion of the sceduling properly, versions vary in how and what must be done.
Make sure you followed the admin guide carefully.
If it's all reports that fail, then we've a serious problem here, youmight check the Event Log in either case.
you have another thread about your CE-9 environment not dropping old instances - "the N value i have is 10 but it is keeping more than that."
Now you have a thread about "scheduled reports stuck in pending", if it is on the same CE-9 environment then it sounds like you have a serious issue with CE-9.
CE-9 is no longer supported by Business Objects, so I don't know how you are going to be able to fix this environment.
thanks, we figured it out last night. the SQL db was bogged down from customers running some LARGE reports. what there me off was that i could view the report just fine.
we bounced sql last night to knock everybody off and to clean up any old locks.
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