Hello everyone. A CE10 Pro (running on W2K servers) question. I need to customize one of CE's placeholders that are used in defining a filename. When defining a specified filename for reports you are scheduling to a DESTINATION, you can use Crystal's predefined placeholders in the filename (e.g., ID, Title, Extension...) The placeholder I need to customize is SI_STARTTIME. The current format of this placeholder is 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS' I have been asked that when creating the specified filename that the timestamp be in a very specific format:
Reporttitle-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS-00.ext (where the "-00" is a constant).
I thought I could modify it in the DESTHELPER.CSP file but this page does not seem to affect anything. The code in this CSP page looks like the following:
// clean up all the %SI_NAME%, %SI_ID%, %SI_OWNER%, %SI_STARTTIME%
function ChangeToRealInstanceFileName( siName, siId, siOwner, siStarttime, frsFilename, fileName)
function ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( numVal)
if (numVal < 10)
return String( "0" + numVal);
return String( numVal);
fileName = fileName.replace(/%SI_NAME%/g, String(siName));
fileName = fileName.replace(/%SI_ID%/g, String(siId));
fileName = fileName.replace(/%SI_OWNER%/g, String(siOwner));
if(siStarttime != "")
var dateVar;
var dateString;
dateVar = new Date(siStarttime);
dateString = String( dateVar.getFullYear())
+ "-" + ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( dateVar.getMonth() + 1) // zero based
+ "-" + ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( dateVar.getDate())
+ "-" + ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( dateVar.getHours())
+ "-" + ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( dateVar.getMinutes())
+ "-" + ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( dateVar.getSeconds());
fileName = fileName.replace(/%SI_STARTTIME%/g, dateString);
if(frsFilename != "")
var ext;
var index = frsFilename.lastIndexOf(".");
if(index != -1)
ext = frsFilename.substr(index+1);
fileName = fileName.replace(/%EXT%/g, ext);
return fileName;
To me this looks like where they are setting the format for the SI_STARTTIME placeholder - but apparently it isn't. I am hoping someone has an idea on this and can steer me in the right direction
Kenneth Hartman
Manager, EIS
Hughes Network Systems
Reporttitle-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS-00.ext (where the "-00" is a constant).
I thought I could modify it in the DESTHELPER.CSP file but this page does not seem to affect anything. The code in this CSP page looks like the following:
// clean up all the %SI_NAME%, %SI_ID%, %SI_OWNER%, %SI_STARTTIME%
function ChangeToRealInstanceFileName( siName, siId, siOwner, siStarttime, frsFilename, fileName)
function ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( numVal)
if (numVal < 10)
return String( "0" + numVal);
return String( numVal);
fileName = fileName.replace(/%SI_NAME%/g, String(siName));
fileName = fileName.replace(/%SI_ID%/g, String(siId));
fileName = fileName.replace(/%SI_OWNER%/g, String(siOwner));
if(siStarttime != "")
var dateVar;
var dateString;
dateVar = new Date(siStarttime);
dateString = String( dateVar.getFullYear())
+ "-" + ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( dateVar.getMonth() + 1) // zero based
+ "-" + ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( dateVar.getDate())
+ "-" + ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( dateVar.getHours())
+ "-" + ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( dateVar.getMinutes())
+ "-" + ZeroInFrontOfSingleDigit( dateVar.getSeconds());
fileName = fileName.replace(/%SI_STARTTIME%/g, dateString);
if(frsFilename != "")
var ext;
var index = frsFilename.lastIndexOf(".");
if(index != -1)
ext = frsFilename.substr(index+1);
fileName = fileName.replace(/%EXT%/g, ext);
return fileName;
To me this looks like where they are setting the format for the SI_STARTTIME placeholder - but apparently it isn't. I am hoping someone has an idea on this and can steer me in the right direction
Kenneth Hartman
Manager, EIS
Hughes Network Systems