We have just upgraded from SCCS 4.0 to 5.0. We had problems with real-time display resetting every 1-2 hours. Vendor have been troubleshooting it for a week downloading all necessaty patches to our option 81 Succession 3.0 and SCCS 5.0 (Windows 2000), but nothing would fix the problem till we found that there were errors in server log about SCCS 5.0 not being able to syncronize the time on the server with time on the domain. We shut down Network Time services and that fixed the problem . Now, here is the question: is manual time syncronization our the only option now? or there is another way around it? Network guys have atom clock program that many servers use to sync the time with. Would it work for SCCS 5.0? We have our Symonview server that pulls the data from Symposium and needs to be in-sync with SCCS 5.0 for displaying correct info. Please advise.