I am writing a genealogy program and wish to design a family tree display. The display scrolls horizontally and vertically to display the generations of a family. The display is much wider than than it is high. I use a shape and labels to hold the individuals name and birth/death dates.
My first attempt had the scalemode set to twips but I discovered that when the left property of the shape/label exceeded 245745 then the value defaulted to 245745. Thinking that this might be a limiting value I changed the scale mode to millimeters and rewrote the procedures. Now the limit is 4334. which is ~ 245745/567 (567 is twips/mm). Obviously there is internal conversions going on which limits the maximum value of Left property.
Is there any way to exceed these values?
My first attempt had the scalemode set to twips but I discovered that when the left property of the shape/label exceeded 245745 then the value defaulted to 245745. Thinking that this might be a limiting value I changed the scale mode to millimeters and rewrote the procedures. Now the limit is 4334. which is ~ 245745/567 (567 is twips/mm). Obviously there is internal conversions going on which limits the maximum value of Left property.
Is there any way to exceed these values?