I want to take my form which uses point 8 font and scale it when i use the print button, so it makes it a little bigger.... say scale = 1.25 or 1.5 is that possible?
I may be missing something, but "Scale" in Vb changes the coordinate units for the printer object. This really effects the placement of objects. Although you COULD change the scale of a picture box with text in it, that would have no effect on the size of the text in the box.
I cannot think of any pratical use/reason to generate text with a 0.8 pitch, and even a pitch of 1.25 is "unreadable" for us older folks. If, you meant a pitch of 8, increases to 10 or 12, at least this would make sense.
To do the latter, you would still need to actually change the pitch of the text - which AFIK - you cannot do after it is sent to the printer.
There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
The Printer object supports a Zoom property (although not ALL printer drivers themselves support it), which is the scaling factor you require in percent.
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