There's dumb and dumber, then there's me! Changed the web.config file without backing up original first. DUH! web site can't find the web.config file after I changed it. It maybe because I changed the FQDN name from "" to "" to get an ssl cert to work. I'm not sure how to fix this, I've been searching for an answer, and the only possibility I can think of is a new clean install of the whole system. Can anyone suggest a way of re-configuring my web.config file to make remote web workplace work again? I know I'm not giving much detail but what I was doing was following a wizard to configure the RWW but (I hate to admit this) it might have been working and I was going down the wrong road trying to resolve it.
Thanks for reading, help...
Scott web site can't find the web.config file after I changed it. It maybe because I changed the FQDN name from "" to "" to get an ssl cert to work. I'm not sure how to fix this, I've been searching for an answer, and the only possibility I can think of is a new clean install of the whole system. Can anyone suggest a way of re-configuring my web.config file to make remote web workplace work again? I know I'm not giving much detail but what I was doing was following a wizard to configure the RWW but (I hate to admit this) it might have been working and I was going down the wrong road trying to resolve it.
Thanks for reading, help...