Hi guys. I have a small server configured on the following specs: Intel S3420GP board, 4GB RAM, Intel Xeon Quad x3440 2.53GHz and SATA 250 GB HDD Im running SBS 2008 x64 SP2. I installed SBS, the installation went well, got all the updates and everything. I then setup my NICs, Problem is that after all of this is done and I power down the server, when I switch back on after a while, my menus r unresponsive. Foor example, I will click on Start, Network Properties and instead of gettin the Netowrk properties screen, the computer just freezes. And nothing will work afterthat. Tsk Manager loads, but when u try to click anything on it, it too frezees. When I go to cmd, I can ping the router attached and the WAP.Can any1 help... Its bin 2 weeks sitting with this problem.
prasad Deshpande
prasad Deshpande