I am using Excel 2002 on a laptop using Windows XP Pro SP 2.
In my business I am required to fill in a 6 page document in Excel. On each page there are multiple cells that need to be filled in. It is somewhat cumbersome to skip around to all these cells, even using a wireless mouse. I added a 7th sheet to the workbook & created a template that is simply entering the data & hitting return. I have setup the template to link to the corresponding page & cell. I find it easier to type information & hit return easier than tabbing several times to get the next required field. An example of the document requires some of the following followed by a cell to enter the information. There are also cells intermittantly that are to be filled in by my office. Therefore there are numerous cells to be filled in of which some are to be left blank:
Address Case Number
Occupancy Status Date Assigned
Date Entered/Start Time/Duration
Access Method Water Supply
Wall Structure
Weather Conditions Inside Unit Brand
Inside Unit Model #
Inside Unit Type
Outside Unit Brand
Outside Unit Model #
Outside Unit Type
This is only a sampling of page 1 & each description is followed by a cell to enter the data. I have spaced this out similar to the form itself. All the remaining 5 pages are similar but with many more cells to place an X in; i.e., Yes No NA. As you can see this can be a very tedious form to fill out. I was originally doing this by hand & then scanning & then uploading to my office software causing many late evening hours. I'd like to be able to do this from the field so that I'm not working up to dark thirty. The day is long enough now.
Once again I added a page 7 with a template so that I can just fill in the cells in a vertical manner & linking those cells to the corresponding page of the form. I want to be able to add a page 7 to the document & paste my template for the purpose of using the vertical method. However, once I am done with the document, I want to be able to save only (& only) the 6 pages without the template so that I can upload those 6 pages only. Does this make sense? I have been successful in creating the template for the first couple of pages just to see if it works but then I don't know how to save only those 6 pages. Secondly, after saving those 6 pages will the office be able to read the 6 page document without the template?
Any help would be appreciated
In my business I am required to fill in a 6 page document in Excel. On each page there are multiple cells that need to be filled in. It is somewhat cumbersome to skip around to all these cells, even using a wireless mouse. I added a 7th sheet to the workbook & created a template that is simply entering the data & hitting return. I have setup the template to link to the corresponding page & cell. I find it easier to type information & hit return easier than tabbing several times to get the next required field. An example of the document requires some of the following followed by a cell to enter the information. There are also cells intermittantly that are to be filled in by my office. Therefore there are numerous cells to be filled in of which some are to be left blank:
Address Case Number
Occupancy Status Date Assigned
Date Entered/Start Time/Duration
Access Method Water Supply
Wall Structure
Weather Conditions Inside Unit Brand
Inside Unit Model #
Inside Unit Type
Outside Unit Brand
Outside Unit Model #
Outside Unit Type
This is only a sampling of page 1 & each description is followed by a cell to enter the data. I have spaced this out similar to the form itself. All the remaining 5 pages are similar but with many more cells to place an X in; i.e., Yes No NA. As you can see this can be a very tedious form to fill out. I was originally doing this by hand & then scanning & then uploading to my office software causing many late evening hours. I'd like to be able to do this from the field so that I'm not working up to dark thirty. The day is long enough now.
Once again I added a page 7 with a template so that I can just fill in the cells in a vertical manner & linking those cells to the corresponding page of the form. I want to be able to add a page 7 to the document & paste my template for the purpose of using the vertical method. However, once I am done with the document, I want to be able to save only (& only) the 6 pages without the template so that I can upload those 6 pages only. Does this make sense? I have been successful in creating the template for the first couple of pages just to see if it works but then I don't know how to save only those 6 pages. Secondly, after saving those 6 pages will the office be able to read the 6 page document without the template?
Any help would be appreciated