Technical User
Our company keeps manuals on our website for customers to download. standard PDFs, PDFd w/ acrobat 4, no security settings whatsoever.
Today, someone was able to load the manual w Acrobat Reader, but when they tried to save it, they received a message saying "This operation is not permitted."
He was able to save a copy by right-clicking the link and doing a save as, but I'm kind of curious.
I'm pretty sure it isn't Acrobat Reader, as several others with AR6 were able to save w/o any problems. But I am curious.
Today, someone was able to load the manual w Acrobat Reader, but when they tried to save it, they received a message saying "This operation is not permitted."
He was able to save a copy by right-clicking the link and doing a save as, but I'm kind of curious.
I'm pretty sure it isn't Acrobat Reader, as several others with AR6 were able to save w/o any problems. But I am curious.