Each Week, I get an MS Outlook 97 email from a colleage containing an attachment which is an excel format.
The attachment is saved with that weeks date as the filename in the format dd-mm-yy.xls. For example 13-10-03.xls etc
Is there any code I can use to detect when this attachment is received and then automatically save it as oos.xls in a specified folder to allow further processing to be done on the attachment.
I have found various addins that may do the job but the scale of the job doesnt really merit spending money on an attachment. I would prefer to use VBA. Any help would be appreciated
The attachment is saved with that weeks date as the filename in the format dd-mm-yy.xls. For example 13-10-03.xls etc
Is there any code I can use to detect when this attachment is received and then automatically save it as oos.xls in a specified folder to allow further processing to be done on the attachment.
I have found various addins that may do the job but the scale of the job doesnt really merit spending money on an attachment. I would prefer to use VBA. Any help would be appreciated