Hello There,
for performance-enhancement i am unsucsessfully looking for a complement of rs.getRows() to save data from array to a recordset/table without looping through the array, like
for x LBound(myArray,2) to UBound(myArray,2)
rs!value1 = myArray(0,x)
rs!value2 = myArray(1,x)
rs!value3 = myArray(2,x)
next x
I think there has to be any possibility because "Strg-C" - "Strg-V" in data-view mode is faster than the loop.
Thanks for any Tips that can help.
for performance-enhancement i am unsucsessfully looking for a complement of rs.getRows() to save data from array to a recordset/table without looping through the array, like
for x LBound(myArray,2) to UBound(myArray,2)
rs!value1 = myArray(0,x)
rs!value2 = myArray(1,x)
rs!value3 = myArray(2,x)
next x
I think there has to be any possibility because "Strg-C" - "Strg-V" in data-view mode is faster than the loop.
Thanks for any Tips that can help.