I was wondering if anyone knows exactly how to save a grahic image file using the 'GET' command then BSAVEing the file. I don't think i'm doing it right because I keep getting 5 pixels that don't belong in my image. this is how my subroutine is set up...
GET (icox, icoy)-STEP(gridW(frame) - 1, gridH(frame) - 1), array(index(frame))
LOCATE 10, 10: PRINT "Enter in Filename:"
LOCATE 11, 10: INPUT ; filename$
DEF SEG = VARSEG(array(0))
BSAVE filename$, VARPTR(array(0)), 10000
GOSUB clrdwg
PUT (icox, icoy), array(0)
The number of elements never exceeds 300
Does anyone know how to calculate the number of bytes??
I have 10000 here. Is that why I'm getting unwanted pixels??
If U can help please reply. Much appreciated
I was wondering if anyone knows exactly how to save a grahic image file using the 'GET' command then BSAVEing the file. I don't think i'm doing it right because I keep getting 5 pixels that don't belong in my image. this is how my subroutine is set up...
GET (icox, icoy)-STEP(gridW(frame) - 1, gridH(frame) - 1), array(index(frame))
LOCATE 10, 10: PRINT "Enter in Filename:"
LOCATE 11, 10: INPUT ; filename$
DEF SEG = VARSEG(array(0))
BSAVE filename$, VARPTR(array(0)), 10000
GOSUB clrdwg
PUT (icox, icoy), array(0)
The number of elements never exceeds 300
Does anyone know how to calculate the number of bytes??
I have 10000 here. Is that why I'm getting unwanted pixels??
If U can help please reply. Much appreciated