I work on a SCADA aplication which has trend graph. I want to make a vbscript code which will create from time to time file with picture of graph in it. ActiveX component iuTrendViewer has method iuTrendViewer1.PrintTrend() which opens screen for input file name and chose folder destination, but It has to be automatically. On some trigger file name has to be created automatically and file has to be saved in specific folder. PrintTrend() thus not has any parameter to fill in.
My idea is when iuTrendViewer1.PrintTrend() is executed and print window is open script has to chose destination folder and fill filename field with new name, and press "enter".
If this is not posible I will try something with screenshot (printscreen) and MSPaint. But this will make jpg with whole screen, including butons and window menu not just graph.
Can anyone help me with this code?
Thanks in advance
My idea is when iuTrendViewer1.PrintTrend() is executed and print window is open script has to chose destination folder and fill filename field with new name, and press "enter".
If this is not posible I will try something with screenshot (printscreen) and MSPaint. But this will make jpg with whole screen, including butons and window menu not just graph.
Can anyone help me with this code?
Thanks in advance