I too would ask why? As to how, it is fairy simple. You would create a PDF of the PM document. Use the setting for print, not web. Now open the PDF with Photoshop. Save as a TIFF and you are all set, but again, I cannot imagine WHY one would want to do this. When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.
Hi. Here's why. I have a business card designed in Pagemaker. My printer will only accept EPS or TIF files. When I save the file as an EPS and open it on another computer, it says fonts are missing or have been changed. I have all the same fonts installed on the second computer. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with the EPS format, so I decided to find out if it's possible to save the file as a tif. According to your replies, I probably shouldn't do it that way. Any suggestions about the EPS file? Thanks!
It seems to me that a PDF would be a more efficient method for your rpinter to use... if they cannot handle PDFs, you may want to consider other printers.. but at least your reason does make sense.
You can resolve the font issue by converting fonts to curves when making the EPS.. but make sure you save an editable version also incase you want to change info later on. When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.
Hi. I tried saving it as a PDF but the crop marks didn't show up. The crop marks show up with the EPS file. Do I need to do something special to have crop marks on a PDF file?
I'd like to try your suggestion and convert the fonts to curves but I don't know how to do this. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks again!
To have the crop marks fit you will have to make the size of the 'paper' larger than the size of the document... say you are printing an 8.5 x 11... in distiller set up default page size, I think it is.. to 9.5 x 12. When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.
What I do in cases like this is write an .eps using the a PS printer with a PPD that support postscript. Open the file in Photoshop at 300dpi then resave it as whatever format you need. Work famously! Let freedom ring!
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