Open the document then do a Save As > Web Page (htm). (Don't save as Web Page (filtered) or as a Web Archive (mht).
You'll get a <docname>.htm file and a folder labeled <docname>_files. Inside that you'll have a XML list of the embedded files and all the embedded graphics. You might get two copies of each pic: the original image and the resized version if it was resized inside Word.
Gruuuu: RFP usually means "Request For Proposal".
[small][purple]It's never too early to begin preparing for [/purple]International Talk Like a Pirate Day "The software I buy sucks, The software I write sucks. It's time to give up and have a beer..." - Me[/small]
Unless the context makes the acronym crystal clear, I almost always ask what an acronym stands for. Even if I have a pretty good idea of what the person is talking about. In this case I didn't.
[gray](acronyms are the devil)(acronyms are the devil)(acronyms are the devil)(acronyms are the devil)(acronyms are the devil)[/gray]
What kind of embedded files are we talking about? The way they embedded them may have converted them to images. If the file is a docx you might be able to directly access the items via an archiver:
[small][purple]It's never too early to begin preparing for [/purple]International Talk Like a Pirate Day "The software I buy sucks, The software I write sucks. It's time to give up and have a beer..." - Me[/small]
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