I've been using the save as PDF code in two different Excel files for a year now without incident. Last week, one of the files, when I clicked on the "Print to PDF" button, the code executed, but the popup Acrobat box indicated it was saving to XLS rather than PDF. As far as I know, I have not changed any settings in either Excel or Acrobat 7 Professional. Normally after the popup goes away, Acrobat is opened and the file I "printed" is displayed. This time, it opened a new excel window and post-script text was displayed. I was able to "fix" the problem by copying a file I had from the week before and updating all the information that took place in the interim. This week, the same thing happenned with another excel file. When I tried to "fix" it by copying an older file which printed to pdf the week before, it didn't "solve" the problem. Was wondering if anyone might have another idea or suggestion to get things printing to pdf once again. I also had IT reinstall Acrobat Prof 7 on my hard disk, but that didn't help.