I am compiling kernel Linux of a machine and am with problems, configuration of kernel and instalation of it occurs without problems but when I go executes it through lilo-boot, problem of the type Kernel Panic occurs, below placed the error message that is generated:
kmod: failed you exec /sbin/modprobe - s - k block-major-8, errno =2 VFS: Cannot open root device “801 " or 08:01 Please append correct “root=” boot option Kernel Panic: VFS Unable you mount root fs 08:01 I
believe that this is occurring for cause that hd sata is not being recognized for the Kernel, but specified in kernel to qualify support for hd sata.
Sata schemes it is PIV with HD “samgsumg” twirling Slackware 10,2 with kernel 2.4.31
Motherboard intel desktop D101GGC
If somebody can help...?
kmod: failed you exec /sbin/modprobe - s - k block-major-8, errno =2 VFS: Cannot open root device “801 " or 08:01 Please append correct “root=” boot option Kernel Panic: VFS Unable you mount root fs 08:01 I
believe that this is occurring for cause that hd sata is not being recognized for the Kernel, but specified in kernel to qualify support for hd sata.
Sata schemes it is PIV with HD “samgsumg” twirling Slackware 10,2 with kernel 2.4.31
Motherboard intel desktop D101GGC
If somebody can help...?