I'm using the following code to run GMM estimates with Newey-West Standard errors. There are two sets of data in go5, one refers to A0, A1, Retpi1, Dummy1 and the other to B0 B1, Retpi and Dummy. I need to do a wald test and get p-values to see if A1=B1. This is the code I'm using but I'm new to SAS and not sure if this is correct or efficient as it isn't yielding good results. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
PROC MODEL data=go5; parms b0 b1 a0 a1;retpi1= A0 +A1*dummy1;
fit retpi1/ gmm kernel=(bart,6,0); instruments dummy1 ; retpi= B0 + B1*dummy;
fit retpi/ gmm kernel=(bart,6,0); instruments dummy; test b1=a1;RUN;
PROC MODEL data=go5; parms b0 b1 a0 a1;retpi1= A0 +A1*dummy1;
fit retpi1/ gmm kernel=(bart,6,0); instruments dummy1 ; retpi= B0 + B1*dummy;
fit retpi/ gmm kernel=(bart,6,0); instruments dummy; test b1=a1;RUN;