Somebody can tell me if I can configurate the same IP address in diferent cards?. I have a dual ethernet card, I mean, the MAC address is the same for both interfaces, but when I configure the same IP address in both cards, just one interface is up, I think that is correct, but exist a possibility for both interfaces are up at the same time?, I need additinal software?.
I'm using Solaris 8 in a sparc station.
Somebody can tell me if I can configurate the same IP address in diferent cards?. I have a dual ethernet card, I mean, the MAC address is the same for both interfaces, but when I configure the same IP address in both cards, just one interface is up, I think that is correct, but exist a possibility for both interfaces are up at the same time?, I need additinal software?.
I'm using Solaris 8 in a sparc station.