Hi All,
I'm working with SalesLogix.net 5.1 and using the integrated CR8 to do web reporting. I think there might be a version conflict or an incorrect driver or some other integration problem causing my SQL queries to be hackneyed. I tried doing a simple report with:
{ACCOUNT.ACCOUNT} startswith {?Account_Name} and
({HISTORY.DESCRIPTION} = "Performance Review" or
{ACTIVITY.DESCRIPTION} = "Performance Review" or
{ATTACHMENT.DESCRIPTION} = "Performance Review"
and it couldn't even figure that out. If I response.write the query passed back from the web client, it doesn't include any of the last three lines (the OR conditions).
Here's another one that chops off lines in the final query:
{ACCOUNT.TYPE} = "Account" and
{ACCOUNT.SECCODEID} in {?Seccodeids} AND
(If agency = "*" then True else {ASSOCIATION.TOID} like agency and {ACCOUNT_AGENT.TYPE} = "Agency"
(If {?Carrier} = "*" then True else {C_CARRIER.CARRIER} like {?Carrier}) AND
(If {?Product} = "*" then True else {CARRIER.CARRIER_TYPE} like {?Product}) AND
(If {?Month_Type} = "Contact" then
{ACCOUNT_EXT.CONTACT_MONTH} >= {?CM_Month_Start} and
{ACCOUNT_EXT.RENEWAL_MONTH} >= {?CM_Month_Start} and
These formulas work exactly as they're written when I preview them in the report designer. Put them into the web client and the parameters from 'If agency' down poop out. I can't help but think it's an integration problem, not a formula problem. Has anyone experienced something like this? Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I'm working with SalesLogix.net 5.1 and using the integrated CR8 to do web reporting. I think there might be a version conflict or an incorrect driver or some other integration problem causing my SQL queries to be hackneyed. I tried doing a simple report with:
{ACCOUNT.ACCOUNT} startswith {?Account_Name} and
({HISTORY.DESCRIPTION} = "Performance Review" or
{ACTIVITY.DESCRIPTION} = "Performance Review" or
{ATTACHMENT.DESCRIPTION} = "Performance Review"
and it couldn't even figure that out. If I response.write the query passed back from the web client, it doesn't include any of the last three lines (the OR conditions).
Here's another one that chops off lines in the final query:
{ACCOUNT.TYPE} = "Account" and
{ACCOUNT.SECCODEID} in {?Seccodeids} AND
(If agency = "*" then True else {ASSOCIATION.TOID} like agency and {ACCOUNT_AGENT.TYPE} = "Agency"
(If {?Carrier} = "*" then True else {C_CARRIER.CARRIER} like {?Carrier}) AND
(If {?Product} = "*" then True else {CARRIER.CARRIER_TYPE} like {?Product}) AND
(If {?Month_Type} = "Contact" then
{ACCOUNT_EXT.CONTACT_MONTH} >= {?CM_Month_Start} and
{ACCOUNT_EXT.RENEWAL_MONTH} >= {?CM_Month_Start} and
These formulas work exactly as they're written when I preview them in the report designer. Put them into the web client and the parameters from 'If agency' down poop out. I can't help but think it's an integration problem, not a formula problem. Has anyone experienced something like this? Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.