Hi,<br><br>can anyone enlighten me please?<br><br>I have placed a safileup.dll on the root of the web server, as was instructed from the help menu.<br><br>I don't see how that relates to Set up1 =Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUp"<br><br>This is the error message I get:<br><br>Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' <br>Server.CreateObject Failed <br>/upload.asp, line 14 <br>800401f3<br><br>here's my form & .asp page, I'm using microsoft personal webserver<br><br>*FORM*<br><br><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><br><br><html><br><head><br><title>Untitled</title><br></head><br><br><body><br><form method="post" action="upload.asp" enctype="multipart/form-data"><br><p>Email Address: <input type="text" name="email" size="50" maxlength="100"><br><br>image:<input type="file" name="myfile"></p><br><p><input type="submit" value="upload" name="B1"></p><br><br><br></form><br><br><br></body><br></html><br><br>*ASP*<br><br><%<br>dim status, email, image, rs, cn, strSQL, f1, newpath, cstring<br><br>cstring = "dsn=profile;"<br><br>' ** The status variable is used to determine whether <br>' ** Everything was successfull or not<br>status = " "<br><br>'** create the file upload object<br>Set up1 = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUp"<br><br>'** Check to make sure that it is a JPEG file. This application requires<br>'** a JPEG file with a ".jpg" extension. This may or may not be necessary.<br>'** However, it is important in any case to the file type, which<br>'** can.be derived form the file extension.<br>if TRIM(upl.UserFileName) <> "" then<br>if InStr(LCase(up1.UserFileName), ".jpg" = 0 then<br>status = "photo file is incorrect format. It must be .jpg format."<br>end if<br>end if<br><br>'** check to make sure that a file was uploaded<br>if up1.Form("myfile".IsEmpty then<br>status = "photo was not uploaded"<br>end if<br><br>'** check to make sure an email address was supplied<br>if up1.Form("email".IsEmpty then<br>status = "no email address was supplied"<br>end if<br><br>'** if everything is in order save the image and record the file name in the database<br>if status = " " then<br><br>'** get the path to the image location of the profile database profile images<br>f1 = server.MapPath("_private/images/"<br><br>'** add the file name to the path<br>newpath = f1 & up1.UserFileName<br><br>'** update the redcord containing the new image with the file name<br>set cn = Server.CreateObject("adodb.Connection"<br>cn.Open csstring<br>strSQL = "UPDATE profile set image = '" & up1.UserFileName & "' where email" & _<br>"like '" & email & "'"<br>cn.Execute(strSQL)<br>cn.Close<br>Set cn = Nothing<br><br>'** save the file to the correct location<br>up1.SaveAs newpath<br>status = "Your photo has been uploaded."<br>else<br><br>'** clear the file form memory on the server<br>up1.Flush<br>session ("message" = status<br>end if<br>Set up1 = Nothing<br>%><br><html><br><head><br><title>Untitled</title><br></head><br><br><body><br><p align="center"><font size="4"><strong>profile image update</strong></font></p><br><!--display status message--><br><p align="center"><%=status%></p><br></body><br></html><br><br><br>i'd be gratefull for some hints<br><br>Gavin <br><br>